Refund Players for Mercenaries

So, I will say, this, you guys did try to do something that was different and bring a different element to the game, Kudos for that. However, there comes a point when you have to acknowledge defeat and be fair to your player base, and come to the realization that MERCENARIES is and will remain a total flop.

This mode was a total rip off, because players had to spend so much money on card packs which repeatedly would give useless coin towards mercenaries you already had levelled up. You guys keep saying over and over and over that you were going to fix the coin system, and look how long that has taken.

When looking at the reports regarding the level of engagement for mercenaries, it is very clear that Mercenaries is the least played mode in the game and is the most expensive mode to get into.

And I honestly feel that you guys really need to own up to your failure with regards to mercenaries and refund players who actually put money into this mode that has been largely abandoned by you guys. Or another option that I would be totally fine with is to be given the option to dust all the mercenaries cards that I paid for.

You guys grossly mishandled Mercenaries, the mode had huge potential, but you blew it. No matter how you slice it, Everyone knows that Mercenaries is a flop, and you had one chance to get it right and you blew it. So cutting your losses and being fair to your player base is the right thing to do.

From a business perspective, it is a waste of company resources to continue to pour money into a mode that nooone wants to play. And honestly, you guys haven’t poured that much into it because of how little has changed in it.

There is zero incentive for anyone to play this mode. And anyone who pours money into it is just throwing their money away.


You as a customer also must admit defeat and accept the fact that you bought into something without letting others test it.

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And who exactly are these “Others” you are referring to?

To be honest with you, I’m not overly upset with the overall cost that I put into Mercenaries. I have seen streamers and have read stories of others who put in a far more coin into the mode than I have.

I was never going to play the mode when it launched, however, I was pretty fortunate in the fact that I won a Diablo Bundle and a Litch King bundle. That was the only reason I began to play it. And I did topoff my mercenary collection at the start to obtain all the cards with a minor investment. However, that investment is minuscule in comparison to the amount that invested in Hearthstone as a whole since it launched.

So as a consumer, and one that has played hearthstone from the start, what I can say with confidence is that Blizzard failed to live up to the expectations and hype that was promoted prior to the launch of Mercenaries.

If for example, Blizzard put as much attention into Mercenaries, as they do with Standard, then it would have been a different story. However, that wasn’t the case. And anyone who tries to say otherwise is simply in denial because all you need to do is look at the reports, when it comes to overall engagement with the mode, and the extremely slow response time to make changes in the mode.

I feel that if Blizzard actually put more time and thought into this mode rather than rushing a product that felt half baked at launch, the mode would have been more successful. But what made it even worse was the extremely slow response from blizzard to make changes to the mode, things that never should have made it to launch, that should have been addressed prior to launch… For example, the insane amount of time that was required to level up a mercenary was such a grind, that alone ruiened the mode for a lot of players.

Here are the 2 main reasons I stopped playing Mercenaries and will never go back.

The first, as mentioned, was the INSANE grind that players were required to put into the mode to be able to play pvp in mercenaries. That literally sucked the enjoyment out of the mode. It was not fun at all, granted now, they have made changes to how things are levelled, but it does not change the fact that a lot of players at launch were subjected to the horrible grind.

However, the main reason why I stopped playing mercenaries, a mode that was launched on October 12th, 2021, a mode in which I quit over a year ago, was the fact that i kept getting coin in my mercenary packs towards mercenaries that I had completely levelled up, coin that was utterly useless because there was nothing I could us it for. And they kept promising to update the coin system… I waited, and waited, and waited, and nothing was done patch after patch after patch.

And a couple months back when I saw the player engagement with this mode it was just a reminder of how Blizzard literally dragged their feet and abandoned the mode for such a long period.

Honestly, I genuinely feel they could have made this a great mode, but they just didn’t make the right decisions and ultimately shot themselves in the foot and dug this mode into it’s grave.

I enjoy Mercenaries, & play the daily quests.

People are reading too much into the phrase “no new content”.

With the “endgame” in place, no new content is necessary, or even desirable.

There will be balance changes & bug fixes.

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Yes, but how many times have they said they were going to update the coin system… The mode was launched in October of 2021.

Why should I as a player who has invested a significant amount of time and money into regular hearthstone, play a mode that Blizzard themselves have acknowledge that players are not happy with the coin system, have continued to make promises to update the coin system, and than when a new patch is released… no coin system update. Sorry but they dug their own grave. I’ll stick to Regular Hearthstone and BG’s where I don’t have issues spending money on with one exception (signature cards) however, that’s a whole different issue within itself.

And one more thing, it doesn’t matter what other players may say to try and counter what I have said, Because Blizzard are the ones that need to care because They can see the amount of money I put into the game, the amount of Time I’ve put into regular hearthstone, bg’s and mercenaries. . That I actually gave Mercenaries a solid chance.

There was a coin system upgrade. Coins can be converted to renown and renown is used to upgrade mercs for mythic runs.

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Okay, yes, but you failed to miss my point. How long did it take them to actually do this update? Because like I said, it was something they kept promising time and time again and took so long to implement this.

You are indeed correct, however, they did this in patch 24.6 which was more than a year after Mercenaries was launched. Not sure about you, however, it was to little to late because the majority of players have already abandoned the mode all together by that point.

SO if you’re going to play ranked, you’re essentially playing against bots because there’s noone playing that mode.

I think the last time I even went into mercenaries was either September or October of 2022… and that was the last time, and probably will be my last time.

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what other change did the promise after renown i havent read anything about it

I think the renown change was actually the final straw for many. It’s such a bogus answer to a real problem.

Before anyone tells me about another game that is worse or that they didn’t have to do anything, I get all that and none of that is relevant to this game mode.

What they did was a non-fix, a bandaid on a broken limb.

When buying packs has substantively diminishing returns, they remove any incentive for players to spend on their game. Hearthstone players, for the most part, are collectors. Mercs is a mode that is specifically designed to exploit that tendency in the worst ways, and it’s been called out as such.

I’m glad it’s done, they don’t owe anyone a dime, and they can lay in their own filth.

they should only refund you if they shut it down

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in my opinion players should demand a refund in many modes, for example after we have now understood the fake rng and matchmaking manipulated to bring down the average in arena and heroic duels modes, at least the refund would be mandatory

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Let’s be honest, its pretty much has been shut down for a long time since they didn’t do anything with it, and now that they have finally decided update it more than a year after it launched… nobody plays it. The Mercenary pvp has the lowest engagement out of all modes in the game. You’re essentially only going to be playing bots… Where’s the fun in that?

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if you can play it, no refund
if you cant play it, refund

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This thread reminds me of warcraft 3. When they launched the rehash game, completed by a third party developer, they for some reason completely disabled the original game.

Even if you had the original discs to install it, when you had to battlenet patch it all the orignal game was overwritten. A game I had bought was completely gone. There was no option to play the legacy code at all. Makes no sense unless you consider that someone had the idea to try and force purchases of the (broken) new game.

Maybe someone launched legal action, but eventually they partially restored the original game. I recently tried it, and it mostly works, but the game seems to have had a reverse translation layer applied to get the old assets to work rather than just a restoration of the original code. But tools like the map developer still show the new assets and placement doesn’t work since the models are different.

This should be a reminder to not spend money on things you can not own.

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PVP stand for Players vs Player… When noone plays that mode and you’re playing against bots only… Equals the company did not created a product that did not meat the expectation that was set forth. AKA… It warrants a refund.

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i think the post you are answering to exists only for you to see because i cant find the link between the post you quoted and your answer

alternatively…make these Diamond portraits(All portraits ?) usable in ranked play…at least it give meaning to the mode…shiny farming

although i’d rather they dont add anymore mercenary…mode boring enough
only add heavily used ones as mercenaries from here on out and like maybe a cap of 2 merc per 4 months(so dont have to suffocate too much more in this atrocity of a mod)

you’re trolling again, because you and the other pro company troll are literally lying about there being more non maintenance content for mercenaries.

but as usual the mods will ignore it because pro company posters can post anything (up to an including hate speech and real threats) and the mods will ignore it.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

They said there would be balance changes & bug fixes.

This is just blatantly dishonest. I was not “impersonating actiblizz”.

I’m flagging your comment as trolling.