So, I will say, this, you guys did try to do something that was different and bring a different element to the game, Kudos for that. However, there comes a point when you have to acknowledge defeat and be fair to your player base, and come to the realization that MERCENARIES is and will remain a total flop.
This mode was a total rip off, because players had to spend so much money on card packs which repeatedly would give useless coin towards mercenaries you already had levelled up. You guys keep saying over and over and over that you were going to fix the coin system, and look how long that has taken.
When looking at the reports regarding the level of engagement for mercenaries, it is very clear that Mercenaries is the least played mode in the game and is the most expensive mode to get into.
And I honestly feel that you guys really need to own up to your failure with regards to mercenaries and refund players who actually put money into this mode that has been largely abandoned by you guys. Or another option that I would be totally fine with is to be given the option to dust all the mercenaries cards that I paid for.
You guys grossly mishandled Mercenaries, the mode had huge potential, but you blew it. No matter how you slice it, Everyone knows that Mercenaries is a flop, and you had one chance to get it right and you blew it. So cutting your losses and being fair to your player base is the right thing to do.
From a business perspective, it is a waste of company resources to continue to pour money into a mode that nooone wants to play. And honestly, you guys haven’t poured that much into it because of how little has changed in it.
There is zero incentive for anyone to play this mode. And anyone who pours money into it is just throwing their money away.