Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

Honestly. I am really angry about this. I spent dust on a legendary I wouldn’t have bought as I thought I had extra dust. The fact that no restitution was given is unforgivable.


I had 9400 dust two days ago, granted from 2x 4400 grants plus an initial 600 I had previously. Today I have 600. I didn’t craft anything. It looks like if you spent it, you benefited, and if you did not, it disappeared?

Bruh, this is supposed to be a game, not a chore, so I havn’t made a list of cards and dust I had before the adding and subtracting from our accounts. I hope they did not take any of my original dust while Blizzard attempted to “fix” their mistake.

I absolutely do NOT trust their word on matters.
Especially with how often they mess up and how bad they are with communication/customer support.

I have put a lot of $$$$ over the years into Blizzard games because I believed they were games that won’t “die” but it is absolutely INSANE how bad they are becoming at handling things as time goes on.

Edit: It is one thing to have given a bunch of players an unfair advantage, as bad as that is already, BUT if you start deleting dust and stuff that people had originally… that is intolerable amounts of incompetence.


Hearthstone Q&A tonight with Ayala. Let’s hope we get more answers about this current cluster duck.

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You need to do something to address the uncertainty you’ve engendered in people regarding the value of their collections. Not everyone remembers how much dust they had or how many of each uncraftable card they had (cards which your collection manager displays confusingly to begin with).

Also, while I’m only like 75% sure I had more dust before this whole mini-fiasco started (it was a small amount I might be misremembering), there are credible people claiming much, bigger, more obvious changes in their dust totals (e.g. Selwyn on these forums). So you really need to make sure chase down every claim, and not just stop because their first 5 claims were false.


Ayala talked about Dustgate in an AMA last night.

  1. Not ideal, but it’s not my problem.
  2. Bugs happen.
  3. Blizzard were the real victims of our own incompetence, not players.

Not one word addressing specific reasons why people are frustrated over the dust debacle. “Its okay to be unhappy” is dismissive and patronizing. His one specific concern: Blizzard lost “a very large sum of $ worth a dust” on their ineptitude.

But we have his word on it - this won’t be the last bug!

Take it to the bank.


Telling players - we screwed up, then we robbed you. We don’t care. We can steal and lie and there we know there will be no reprocussions.

Let them know they are wrong. Don’t support these thieves, perverts, and liars.


As a long time player who is honest and didn’t craft any cards right away and then have it taken away while others used up all the free dust is just discrimination against ones that have played the game for a long time so save up dusts.

Thieving Blizzard will never stop mailing us.

Is all about $$ for them and now being own by Microsoft you know it will only get worse.

I’m quitting this game because I don’t want to get abuse anymore.

You suck Blizzard!


I think now HS replay will add a “track your dust” feature in their deck tracker (if it’s not already there).

Like when they implemented a system to show how much XP you earned after a game before blizzard itself :joy:


The end result is that we donated a very large sum of $ worth a dust for players to be angry with us. Not ideal.

Still not a clear reply if people who used unearned dust can keep it .

This is in part why I am suggesting a collection history tab.


(post deleted by author)


How I “play Hearthstone” now:

I log in. I swear at the Innkeeper. I head to my collection. I see “0 Dust”. I log off.


TFW Blizzard uses Scamaz no Jutsu against a unpleased playerbase with neither side budging and you still want at least a little dust…

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Fun fact: Beginning of each expansion, idiots will pre-order both mega and bundle. Enjoy your earnings until the end of expansion, apprx 3 months, then Blizzard will send tons of free cards to f2p players, who does not spend a penny.
Now you realize you are so dumb, right? A slap :wave: right on your face.


If they would generate negative dust in the fix all would be fair over time.


I’m also “playing Hearthstone” by supporting the new Blizzard QA labor union on social media, which I highly recommend.

Something’s gotta change in upper management at Blizz. This kind of profiteering isn’t the way Mike Morhaime and his friends started this thing, all those years ago. This really was one of the most exploitative things I’ve seen in the gaming industry in quite some time, and I work in it myself and have played videogames for several decades.

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I’d take 15 days off from hearthstone for 20k+ dust, sounds like a win too me.

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Drek’Thar not getting a full dust refund anymore is highly relevant after the recent dust fiasco. After the script fix I got zero net dust despite opening an unnecessary legendary. I suppose Horde players would feel equally bad about opening Vanndar Stormpike since everyone gets him now! The script was only for golden duplicates, not regular duplicates of golden cards. Along the same lines, it really stinks to open both Grimtotem Bounty Hunter before you hit 65 on the track. Yeah, I did that too. Bad feelings are not what rewards should give you.