Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

They have NEVER BEEN this generous on purpose and WILL NEVER BE.

I think we have to reward them with less time and money on this game.




If anyone considering spending money on this game or any other game sees this message please read up on what is actually happening with players. Many of us have spent lots of money on this game and other Blizzard games and they have now taken what we spent money and time on with no response. They are stealing from their player base. Please find other games.


Slay the spire is one great card game I’d recommend.


Honestly I just have to post somewhere so I’m on the record saying how upset this whole fiasco has made me. I’m really considering not playing anymore, and I’m definitely not spending another dime on the game.

What really makes me mad is that there are folks out there that got the dust, spent it, and now have anywhere from 4-8 legendaries that they aren’t taking back. At least if this was fair and no one got any benefit from it then we’d all be on the same page. Now every time I see a legendary in a deck I have to wonder if they have it from that time Blizzard messed up. Why not just do a roll back? Or just let us keep the dust? And if they do end up giving an apology gift they better not give it to the folks that already spent the dust.

This fires me up way more than it should, but I work in customer service and this is appalling to me.


Iskar is doing an AMA on Twitter, be sure to ask about Dust-gate and if they really consider it fully resolved. Try to be at least a little polite, it ups the chance of him actually repsonding.


I still don’t understand why I have TWO uncraftable/undustable Legendary DUPLICATES in my library and I was awarded no dust? err was awarded dust then had it removed?


I got like 5600 dust, and it got tooken away a day or 2 later. What the hell?I know for a fact I had legendaries that I earned and then you guys gave us free ones, and now i can’t disenchant the ones I earned because you overwrote them with a “Cant disenchant” version. You’ve barely gotten a dime from me in the last 2 years, and this is only going to make me spend even less going forward.


I think alot of yall are getting way too bent out of shape over this. Blizzard did the stupid thing and rolled dust back.

Everyone else in this scenario (alot of whom didnt follow social media like me) isn’t your enemy

When you own something, and can do whatever you want with it, and then someone steps in and denies you the ability to do whatever you want with it, that is what we call Tyranny, and no sane human being that has ever lived…has liked Tyranny. I’m pretty sure we can even win a law suit over this. I haven’t said anything about it in almost a year, because I assumed Blizzard would one day let me disenchant the legendaries i had before they gave us the free ones.

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That’s the psychological toll for many of us. This was such a self-own, going out of their way to mess with people who had no idea anything needed fixing. Pathetic.

Back to card collecting?!? Whew.


Sure go ahead. Any lawyer you go to is going to laugh in your face

Again, you are getting way too bent out of shape over this

You saw the Rittenhouse trial right? You can’t tell me there is some…silly lawyers out there.
And this will also be a big knock to the better business bureau.

Rittenhouse had a fan for a judge and an entire right wing media machine by him paying all the bills.

Even if you had a case against Blizzard (you don’t). You couldn’t fight against them because they have money and you don’t. The legal system exists to protect capital and profits.

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Kumquat, you need a hug my man BIG LONG SENSUAL HUG

??? None of what you said makes sense

Secondly I’m a woman. Not a man

it’s probably because you had 0 cards that got refunded.
Honor golden cards AREN’T the refunded cards; only if you had more than 2 copies of the golden ones (which are uncraftable), then you should expect a refund.

If you aren’t missing cards and you don’t have less dust than before the “dust event” (assuming you didn’t spend any after the event), you are probably good.
Having duplicates (so refundable cards) is very rare, definetly not the norm

oh my god, I found one person who understand how the refund was supposed to work! :joy:

Is it a legendary that you got by purchasing a premade deck?
Maybe uncraftable cards gained when you buy a “premade deck” (like Mankrik) weren’t taken in consideration

If anyone considering spending money on this game or any other game sees this message please read up on what is actually happening with players. Many of us have spent lots of money on this game and other Blizzard games and they have now taken what we spent money and time on with no response. They are stealing from their player base. Please find other games.


I had close to 400 dust before they did this, It said I received 2100 dust. When I checked my arcane dust, I’m sitting at 0 now. So much for that dust I was saving.

Kumquat since you have no dog in this race, why not let the people who want to vent, vent and you go do something else?