Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

this is correct; you had the chance to dust the regular version for a full dust refund, I am not sure if it’s available again but it was a thing.

They never said they would have removed regular copies, because some people may want them, so it was our choice to decide wether to keep it or dust it

i have 2 Grimtotem Bounty Hunter :’) cancel blizzard!

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if my account did not qualify for the dust and that is why you took it back then so be it I am fine with that. But how hard would it have been to communicate ahead of time about a hot fix or Apache we’re going to do and actually communicate in case something got screwed up because guess what something got majorly screwed up and now you’re banning people for spending the dust that you gave to them without explaining why? How greedy are you? You already have enough lawsuits going against you with sexual harassment, your CEO being nuts, and now this whole dustgate thing, and I just out of principle will take you to court and waste thousands of dollars on two cards that probably cost 50 cents that I could craft right now just to waste your time and prove a point and make a YouTube video out of it since I run a channel that reviews games and just on principle. You just said you can’t use the fact that I have all of the cards from United in stormwind as proof that I should have the hecklefang hyenas well guess what I also have the achievements for owning every card from forged in The barrens, and fractured and alteric valley I have every card that you put out last year in duplicate so you can use the fact that I have the achievement for having every card in forged in the barons as proof that the hecklefangs should be in my account, which means you are a liar as you just said you did not ever see that my account has ever obtained hecklefang hyenas yet I still have the achievement for owning every single card in that set and had those two cards right before you’re unannounced heal up/screw up and then didn’t right after. I saw them in my collection before you did the heal up and they were gone afterwards. So you can either stop lying and return them or this dustgate thing is going to get a hell of a lot bigger and messier than it already is. And then the fact that you tell me you can’t take feedback even though the previous game master ask me to provide feedback. Who wants a golden version of the same legendary they just got for free from the free rewards track when they just paid $20 for the paid rewards track. And the reward is a card they can’t use or disenchant. It makes sense why you can’t disenchant core cards, but it makes absolutely no sense why you can’t disenchant rewards track cards or cards that come from packs now I have two of the same legendaries as I have a lot of for different sets as well that I can’t do a damn thing with because you guys are that greedy that you can’t just not put a useless card on the rewards track to begin with. I spend thousands of dollars on your game every year. So yes there is under no circumstances that you will not be returning the hyenas as I have the achievement for having every card in the last 3 expansions which covers the hyenas. The fact that you’re banning people for your mistake because you couldn’t take 5 seconds to communicate to your fan base that you were going to do a hot fix or a patch to prevent any confusion if a screw-up happened is just the most ignorant thing I have ever seen a company do and there are some pretty ignorant companies out there like Tencent. I have all the screenshots of all my discussions with all of the game Masters and all of the contradictory things that you have said and all of the lies that you have said in these and those are going to be added to the forum and the Reddit post and Twitter Those two cards were in my collection the day before you did the heal up and they were gone the day after. Return the cards and give the feedback to the damn rewards track team. How dare you tell me you won’t take feedback and then ask me to fill out a survey in the same breath you should be ashamed of yourself.


I still have not received the original dust reward. It was given, then taken the day after, and I have not received any since.


It was never meant to be given to so many. If you didn’t receive any since you didn’t have duplicate golden cards.

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I hope they see a mass exodus over this. I am happy to see others leave as well. Blizzard sucks!


It was a pleasant surprise when you guys dumped 4800 dust in my account. I made a couple of legendary cards I wanted, then when I went to make another the next day, I was zeroed out. The dust I’d saved up was gone too. I made a Hearthstone purchase last year and have been seriously considering making more. Getting the dust wasn’t going to dissuade me from making a purchase. Taking it away definitely did. It’s not that I felt ‘entitled’ to it, but it was pretty shïtty to give out that dust and then be like “PSYCHE!” and wreck all the warm feelings I had about the game.

I’ve decided that this game will remain a ‘grinder’ for me. My real money can get skins for LoL.


I’ll still play, I’m just not giving them $$ anymore. It would really suck to pay for something and then see it vanish. Not taking that chance.


The problem is what they do on purpose and what they do by mistake.
The gold Grimtotem Bounty Hunter is a reward for doing the track becouse there are no gold Grimtotem Bounty Hunter in packs. Instead you can find the normal one in multiple ways.
When this reward track changes 2 gold copy of Grims are put on the respective achievement “Destroy 20 Legendary minions with Grimtotem Bounty Hunter.” so new people can still get this gold cards in future … ( this cause a new bug i dont want to explain )
So no reasons for refunds here.

Gold Lokholar the Ice Lord is another matter , it is a paid track reward but they dont protected paid track users from receiving that card before reaching track level so you end like you paid for a lie.
So there is a reason for refund for a thing that was not supposed to happen.


What if someone used to dust to make decks or cards, how do you guys fix it?

Might set you to negative dust similar to negative gold if you ask for a refund and don’t have the necessary gold to pull from your account. Might also get your account suspended similar to a chargeback. Hard to say honestly.

That’s one of the reasons people are furious. There was a tweet by their game staff that those who do so would go into negative dust, but subsequently they backpedaled and said they won’t set anyone’s dust below 0. After the sh*tstorm blew up, they messed things up even more by apparently suspending some accounts for “exploiting the bug” instead.

The tweet said “may”, may go into negative dust. No backpedaling.

Was the tweet meant to scare people into not spending it? Maybe, Blizzard can be shady.
Could have just as easily been an honest attempt to help people from what they viewed as the most likely result, negative dust.

As far as I know this hasn’t been proved yet. I’ve seen a a bunch of stuff saying this was a hoax or the player was banned for a different exploit or cheating event. Though I don’t believe either side has shown definitive proof one way or the other.

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Is this resolved? because all my rewarded dust got revoked and my golden craftable copies are also gone so it’s a loss for me.


I hate to bring it to you, according to HS the dust chaos is solved. But there so many players are angry because more dust was taken than given. So I think Blizzard will have respond again to players


Absolutely, but they wont. They will wait it out, despite unfairly taxing many players.

Script 1 fails - likely had a lot more than 24 hours on.
Script 2 is perfect - less than 24 hours spent on it.

Yeah, some people may be misremembering their dust count before the debacle, but dont expect me to believe they can rush a script through without similar errors when they couldnt get it right the first time. I only lost 25 dust, pretty much nothing. Others are reporting much larger numbers and, given the failure of the initial, unadvertised, change, I tend towards believing the community, not Blizzards “flawless” script that was rushed out in less than a day!


They also took more dust than they gave back. Sign me up for a protest.

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What annoys me the most is the people that crafted cards with their dust windfall whining about the fact the gifted dust was taken away , leaving them at zero but the reality is that for many the amount taken back was less than they spent…you profited greatly and you still complain? Sounds like you need more ethics, not more dust. Spare a thought for those that didn’t spend any dust before it was retracted…they gained no benefit at all and in fact it appears they may have actually lost some of their own dust & cards. This dust mistake was a big error and unfortunately Blizzard have not corrected the mistake fairly - all dust transactions should have been reversed (crafted cards disenchanted & disenchanted cards reinstated) before they did the dust recall. Or else they could have been generous and put player goodwill ahead of profit and individually gifted all active HS players the appropriate amount of dust so that all active players got the same amount of gifted dust


I got golden Lohkolar via the golden Alterac Valley Bundle Rank 2 as an instant reward. Following that I didnt get another copy of that card via the rewards track, and now i’m left with 0 golden copies of that golden card. I got the refund for that unintended card ( 3.2k Dust ), but now i can’t get the copy from the Rewards Pass again. Customer Support confirmed to me that i owned the card, but they were unable to restore the copy. What should i do now ?


You know we can buy cards with real money and then dust them and that makes the dust have a real dollar value…