R-E-S-E-T Heathstone

Hearthstone has gotten STALE with everything being OVERPOWERED and RIDICULOUS. When there was REAL INCENTIVE for NEW and even OLD players. Lets go BACK to the TIME when we were all EXCITED to play the BETA of the game. When it felt MEANINGFUL and REWARDING to get that new legendary or finally earn that GOLDEN HERO BORDER. RESET HEARTHSTONE and Let us all GROW our collection once more! The old players will return just as they did for World Of Warcraft Classic. R-E-S-E-T HEARTHSTONE and bring about a NEW GOLDEN ERA of card based gaming.

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Naw I just want to see the game die and never come back.

Do you want your memory wiped? Because that’s the only way. The game is stale because you are more knowledgeable. It was funner when you were stupider. That’s it. End of story.


hearthstone is one of the most incredible scams in the world of video games, millions of people attracted by a game similar to a slot machine that is theoretically totally random, furthermore devoid of any control by external authorities, so whoever develops it can actually do that whatever he wants, he can pretend to make you meet a human opponent and instead he’s a bot, he can manipulate both rng and matchmaking and tell you that everything is fair and random but it’s not like that, in fact you are just a pawn who plays and spends money ( those who are crazy do it and there are many of them), unaware that you run on the treadmill non-stop and it’s not you who sets the parameters of the run, you only pay the monthly gym fee… wow this metaphor describes the blizzard hearthstone world perfection…I play it on YouTube since my followers strangely seem to be growing behind the hearthstone-scam trend


Something tells me you’re a serial loser :laughing::laughing::laughing:

They can’t just reset the game because many ppl paid money… BUT… they could stop creating mindless machanics and “I draw this and I won” cards… since rotations will take place soon… NOW IS THE CHANCE TO FIX THE GAME! That is the truth… but I am not hoping anymore… lost my trust for this developer team already…

uh game cant stop being card game

For a week. I personally didn’t even login to it (other than checking it for free in PTR for a minute), because I know how overrated Nostalgia is.

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Ive been enjoying it because it isnt nostalgia for me, I finally get to play it proper because people can tell me what ive been doing wrong all the years i played before. Its all new content to me if it is past the barrens leveling zone. lol.

Um, then what do you think wow classic is? its the game based off the characters in Hearthstone. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d suggest op play classic, but the devs keep killing modes that people like, and making modes that needed minor fixes into terrible dumpster fires.

Which is why microsoft really needs to assure people they are going to up the QA. By a huge factor.

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that mode was liked for a very short time
the same meta for over 2 years got boring

and still is by everyone who actually played it, and not spamming the company’s stale revisionist history propaganda.

Next, they’ll be telling us how boring and unpopular twist was.

It is Time To Release the Unicorn Priest:) will help u out :slight_smile:

This game will not change, players have been saying stop power creep for over 8 years, has Blizzard listened to the players? no and they are continuing with their stupidities.

Activision, Blizzard and Microsoft are companies to boycott.


I regret that I only have one upvote to give.

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People think they don’t want power creep but they want it in reality. If power creep is gone they would whine all day how new expansions are “useless and bad” because “the old decks are still OP!”.

They wouldn’t get that their experience on old decks would make them better at playing them; they’d need the maturity to get “we have to wait to learn the new cards”; good luck with that.

“You say you don’t want it but you do.”

Don’t feed the company more terrible catchphrases, even if they’re variations of ones they’ve used already!

: P

we ve seen it happen whenever a new expansion is released and most of the decks of the previous expansions are still competitive people post about how nobody is using the new cards

Must be lost in the massive pile of posts about everyone talking about the use of the new cards.

Also, account sharing again.

Blizzard can’t possibly not see the GREATNESS of a plan of ACTION such as this! It would REVITALIZE the dusty and DECREPIT old bones of this ancient and forgotten BEHEMOTH of a card game. Make Hearthstone RELEVANT to new and returning gamers, once AGAIN!