PSA: No legendary duplicate protection for reroll

Upon reaching lvl 80 of the reward track, I was awarded signature Lady Deathwhisper. Since, I already owned her, I reroll the signature legendary for another legendary, and was awarded a legendary I already own (the scourge, normal not golden).

I really think they should extend the legendary duplicate protection to signature reroll. Yes I got 400 dust out of the track reward, but it’s kind of underwhelming, feels like I am being punished for buying the death knight package.

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PSA the above post is wrong

you only get a duplicate if you own all cards from the same rarity on a set

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this is not true, i did receive a second scourge, and i do not own every legendary from the march of the lich kink, let alone from standard.

I have now 2 scourge, i have not disenchanted it yet. What i said happen did happen. It’s not like it was a fleeting moment, i can look at my collection and clearly see 2 Scourge.

ht tps://

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PSA you do own all of the cards in the path of arthas set, which is why you got a duplicate

please learn how to read

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Lady Deathwisper isn’t from March of the Lich King, but from Path of Arthas, which is a mini-set which has three Legendaries, one of which is The Scourge.

i see; i understand what happened then

So having bought the path of arthas, I was never going to receive a bonus legendary, given that i own all 3 legendary of the set.

Thanks for the explanation, to be honest, it wasn’t super clear to me how the whole signature reroll works.

Still, it’s a bummer, not very generous of blizzard. I may think twice now before purchasing sets.

did you bother checking the set the cards belong to ?

when you check a card on your collection on the flavour text of the cards at the bottom you can read the name of the set the card belongs to

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i got it, geez man relax. you’re a hearthstone pro.

Still, I feel you are being a white knight, defending blizzard for some reason, but i still think, for the average hearthstone thinking he’s going to get a legendary, but finding because this set, that set, he gets nothing, feels scammy man.


you didnt get nothing, you got 400 dust

why ? the entire set can be bought with gold and 400 dust can be useful for example you can craft one of the epics on the battle pass like plaguespreader claim and re roll them into new one you dont have

*pro company bot troll poster is wrong, along with the usual crowd of pro company poster who follows along with it.

is what you were going for

Op literally isn’t not “wrong” for asking that:

Only the arrogance of the pro company crowd thinks that dare approaching their corporate overlords for anything, or expanding a benefit is some grave sin.

And noting, once again…the company charged for a class starter package that they gave away for FREE (DH) TWICE!

Unironically posted, in a thread full of people who clearly didn’t read the op before they decided to get all hostile, angry, and troll and harass him because he dared to THINK to ask the company to expand the duplicate reroll system.

are you a pro company troll bot…only you can answer that, along with whoever programmed and unleashed you on the forums to troll, harass and violate coc with impunity.

Or is it “why” as in why do the mods let you and other pro company poster violate coc with impunity, up to and including hate speech (and will literally 404 posts and threads while literally blowing past walls of pro company posts that violate coc)? Only they could answer that, and they almost always show up to make snarky comments about posts edits, removing posts, and of course, by and large ignoring all the coc violating posts every pro company poster makes.

No one has to take my word for it, the evidence (going back years) is right here in the forums for everyone to see.


But it IS extended to signature reroll. He just re-rolled a card of a set he had complete. If you have a rarity of a set complete, and you buy a pack from that set, you won’t get a card from another set if you hit something from that rarity.

So, what OP is asking for is literally how it works.

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Signature cards are a !"#!"#$ scam rip hearthstone

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this one from the BP worth 400 dust if you get path of arthas

the art needs to be improved … a lot they could look better a lot better
but scam ? why?

it takes the spot of a common meaning you cant get 1 signature and 4 commons on a pack

i dont think scam means what you think it means

This isn’t another set. It’s the same set: these are from the same expansion: march of the lich king. Treating this and the “main set” as separate is scammy, just so they can charge for something they gave away previously.

Again, op isn’t “wrong” for what he’s asking for, which is what you stated.

Time to fire up a new bingo card.

Lady Deathwhisper is from Path of Arthas, not March of the Lich King. Even the watermark is different, so yes, different set.

all mini sets are considered part of their set they are released with. This is a level of pedantry that would claim the adventures, mini sets, etc were all somehow separate from the main expansions they were tied to, even though they were very clearly linked together and part of the same release cycle.

Just because they got greedy and charged for class cards they gave away for free (TWICE!) before doesn’t mean these are somehow completely random, unrelated cards.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t require playing the intro to the expac, and you know…require waiting for them to be playable until the set dropped.

All of which doesn’t distract from you claiming op is “wrong” what he’s asking for. People make requests here all the time. It doesn’t make them wrong.

I mean, you could ask the devs for a unicorn and a rainbow…I might think it’s silly, but I wont’ say you’re “wrong” to ask.

Unless you ask for more p2w, or something.

: P

And the Path of Arthas is not the mini set from March of the Lich King. All other mini sets are available in their respective sets and bear the same watermark. Path of Arthas does not.

Which expansion is it considered to be paired with?

Again, none of this changes that op was somehow “wrong” (your claim) for what he’s asking for, which is the real issue.

stop spreading missinformation