PSA: No legendary duplicate protection for reroll

None. If you check the card library on the Hearthstone website, you’ll see in the Wild Section that Demon’s Hunter Initiate is it’s own mini-set of 20 cards, just like Path of Arthas. And none of those cards can be found in packs from another set.

Just because you think something should be true, doesn’t make it so if the facts point otherwise. Which makes OP “somehow” wrong for what he’s asking.

what every pro company poster should have glued to their monitor, keyboard, and desk.

Clearly, you weren’t paying attention when they did the prerelease and literally bundled PoA with the pre purchase, and everything with it literally tied to this expansion. Come on, I literally gave you every out on that one and you walked right into it.

your posts here, in a nutshell.

that you put it in quotes, proves even you know you have nothing.

The huge promo event that featured a new class had the dedicated mini-set for the new class included. Shocker! And after the prerelease was done, still none of the cards from that mini set are available in any of the other sets. If they’re not available in a set, they’re not part of the set. Just like how the mini-set for Demon Hunter isn’t available in any other set either. Did Blizzard screw us over by giving the DH mini-set for free and make us pay for the DK mini-set? Yes, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. It’s not the same set.

I was making fun of your

He was, because it’s not the same set. And I have proven that I have something. Again, go to the Collection page and you’ll see all those cards are only in that seperate mini-set and not in any other set. That’s proof. That you can check. What proof do you have that it is the same set? Oh, nothing it seems, rather than that you think it should be.

literally the fact that it’s tied to the expansion release, along with the class it came with and everything else.

Otherwise, some would have us think it’s a random coincidence the set came out at the exact same time as the new class, the event, AND the new expansion.

Anyone who thinks that, better start gambling and avoid going out during lighting storms.

hardly “huge.” A buggy four stage event that barely worked, and still has issues for players only counts as “huge” in the minds of people who probably think wow’s twitter patch was “THE BIGGEST PATCH EVER!”

Unlike say, a dividing line between mean streets and grand tourney. The line between PoA and the main set is artificial fictional (edit: changed for the easily confused). OP knows it, I know it, and everyone not carrying water for the company knows it.

The only reason they did it was to charge people for the cards they gave away (TWICE!) last time they did a class. All the “yes, buts” don’t change that.

Nor is op wrong for asking for the company to do right here. Only people willing to endlessly defend their scummy practices think otherwise.

And still the mini-set for Demon Hunter isn’t part of any other set. And the reason why it’s all tied together is because the class was released when the main set was released. You know, just like when Demon Hunter came out.

But it’s still there. There’s still a line. Nice of you to finally acknowledge it.

Yes, but the reason why they did it isn’t what’s being discussed here. Just the fact wether or not it’s the same set. And it’s not. I agree with you that it’s scummy, but wether or not they charged for it has nothing to do with it being a different set. One could even argue that it’s proof that it’s a different set.

And yet he’s not asking that. He asked why he got a duplicate legendary, we explained the situation and

He got why it’s a duplicate legendary.

Because they’re part of the same expansion. Not some random mystery release that happened to drop at the same time, but the same

make things up. As in fake, made up, etc. Let’s go with fictional, so you don’t get confused going forward.

see previous comment on “yes, buts.”

One could, but they would be grasping at straws even more than they arelady were in a desperate attempt to say death knight cards, that were bundled with the pre release set, and could only be played once the set was released, were someone not connected to the set.

And now, outright fiction:

amazing that you even thought he was asking, considering you were claiming he was asking for something:

AND wrong for doing so most of this thread:

even though the splitting of hairs over whether or not the cards are included or not is the hill you chose to make your stand on for the company, their scummy rollout AND practice of rerolling leads to “hey want a chance to get a copy of a card you already have, instead of what we said the re-roll would give, a card you didn’t have?” is an issue they need to resolve. Especially when they’re selling three versions of the card currently, at least.

I dont want the stupid signature. I got it from the track and im going to buy the arthas soon, does do i get to reroll or dust?

Not even sure if i should buy it, im guessing its more useful than barrens, havent checked dust value.

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If you re-roll right now, you’ll just get another dupe from PoA. In short, it’s a longer road to dusting.

Which is kinda pointless, and should be fixed.

And then why isn’t the Demon Hunter mini set part of any expansion? You do seem to ignore that one, except to say they gave it away for free.

You can’t dust the signature since it replaces a common in packs. So, if you don’t want it, you’re better playing the normal legendary (though you do miss out on the dust for that legendary then).

I just opened the packs from rewards… and glanced through collection… WHAT IN THE LIVING WHATEVER AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A

Lord Disenchantable Marroogar??? Someone please tell me im wrong and im not stuck with this stupidty

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The same as what you’re supposed to do with a normal and a golden legendary. Use one of them. I don’t understand the question.

The point is its my scrapbook of cardssss and if i cant clean it up and they have to take up space… its nonsensical. Arethey going to give me a diamond one too soon so i have 4??? 3 of them redundant.

Im overeacting but i is messing with my mental health!!! lol

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Do I really need to say it’s part of ashes of outland?

Oh wait, I forgot who I was having this discussion with.

It’s part of ashes of outland.

Predictable “NUH UH” in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

/picard double panda godzilla facepalm

Holy light, for a second I thought this was one of the pro company bots for a second. Literal verbatim post. I could understand his question clearly. Have you considered setting empathy to “1” for anyone other than the company?

Except that, you know…you can disenchant those.

Cue “curb your enthusiasm” end credit music.

Proof it.

That I needed to post it…well, your post just did.

No, that the Demon Hunter mini set is part of Ashes of Outland. Because I already gave proof that it’s not.

Goalpost shift rejected:

You can’t just claim something is true without providing proof it’s true. Especially if you can’t. That’s just plain misinformation. And you know it, that’s why you keep repeating the same thing without providing anything to back up your claim other than what you think should be.

So, me asking you to provide proof isn’t shifting goalposts, it’s me asking if you can back up your claim. Which you can’t.

funny, that’s what you’ve been doing this entire thread.


-paraphrase, since you get confused.

I noted the goalpost shift: which was you first quoting me “do I really need to say it’s part of ashes of outland” then your “proof it” to your later post.

Do try and keep up.