I may be the only one, but I was kind of looking forward to Twist this morning, because it’s at least a change from the current Standard and Wild metas. However, I was disappointed to see it isn’t going live until Tuesday’s patch. And I was just thinking, why? Not just “why couldn’t you set it to go live at midnight today in a previous patch?” but rather “why turn it off at all?”
I get that some of the big “experimental” modes (like Duels Light that happened this summer) it takes time to set that up. But this month is just going to be Wonders format again, like at Twist’s launch. So, why have down time at all? You could still do meta shake ups every couple of months by simply changing which sets are available, making a few bans instead of nerfs/buffs, and then just letting it play out. Why take away the third option?
While Twist is far from perfect, it could at least provide some reprieve from the boring metas that occur in Standard and Wild by having a monthly change to the card sets, rules, etc. Even if it’s something as simple as “we added Un’Goro” like you’ve done before. It at least changes things up slightly, or has the potential to.
So please, going forward, treat Twist less like a “special mode that is only available on occasion” and more like a regular version of the Tavern Brawl “Brawl Block” but maybe with more than 3 sets available. Or just set up “Year of the X” months with literal old Standard metas in play for the month. Hell, even setting Twist up to be “Classic” mode during what would otherwise be a down month is better than nothing.
I know resources and man power might limit what you can do with the mode, but c’mon! You and I know you can do better than what you’ve done so far with Twist.
Since they don’t give the old cards for free temporarily, it has no chance to be successful since as the years go on fewer and fewer players have ancient cards and few are going to buy them now. Because of that I see it more like a cash grab from the very few who are going to buy packs now.
When Twist was an entire month of going through the “ages” of Hearthstone day by day starting with Classic, idk why but they should probably have just made that an actual and ongoing mode. So much fun to be able to play the times in Hearthstone that were actually good
It’s kinda fun playing with the basic set… until you’d meet some clown abusing that bug and playing cards like Natalie Seline etc. I suppose it’s not so different to meeting a clown with cards like Ragnaros and so on (at lower ranks, of course) as a beginner player back then, in the beginning.
I would have dusted off my old Aggro Shammy deck from when this meta (sans the CoT cards, of course) was in Standard and played the hell out of Twist last month. But, they decided to run it shotgun to an event requiring us to play Standard. (Having fun now that’s done and dusted, though.)
If the goal, as some have suggested, is for Twist to be a cash grab targeting old-school players they’re doing a horrible job of it. LOL.