Proof that Hearthstone is rigged

You mentioned having serious doubts that he was one.

In order to have doubts on if he was one or not you need to have a reason to believe that in the first place as such him or another claiming he was one, or acting as one. as such yes you did imply that. When all that was said was he was a mvp.

ok since you need me to clarify what i meant…

i am beginning to think mand might be an employee of blizzard after some of the things he has said in many of his posts that i have read.

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Some posters have a very identifiable tone and way of posting, even if under a different ID.

Also, being an employee or not, as long the content make sense, the identity make little difference

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agreed, especially the way mand talks… it would be hard for him to disguise himself.

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Which is evidence of your tendency toward conspiracy theories. If no one who isn’t a paid representative could possibly disagree with you, how could you not be right?

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like i think
is one of mand’s other id’s.

there are a lot of other id’s who disagree with me, whats your point?

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K, so what I would like you to do is start a fight club with three year olds. Go every day for a month and ground and pound those noobs. Then tell me (a) how fun is that? and (b) why you think that is right and/or fair?

No. Soccer has levels upon levels. At the youth level in my town there are rec leagues with multiple levels and then competitive leagues with 10+ divisions per age group, and we haven’t even gotten to the college, semi-pro, and pro divisions. There is definitely stratification in sports at all levels that are attempting to promote fair play and more even matches.

This isn’t a fair representation of their position.

If you win, your MMR matches you to better players. If you lose it matches you to weaker players. Over time it makes a very clear picture of your skill and matches you to comparable players. This isn’t rigged, this is fair play.

Are you seriously saying you should get a trophy for curb stomping children because it’s not your fault they are small? Like I really feel like you have some personal issues that you need to address if this is actually what you are attempting to argue.

This whole post you made is a bad look, friend.


Umm duh. I mean that is called Matchmaking. If you are on a winstreak then your MMR is increasing and so obviously you will start facing harder opponents.

I have a 100% winrate because … I HAVE NO EQUAL !

harder opponents and facing a deck that counter’s yours are different things.

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A win streak ends on a loss, by definition.

So it is most likely that a win streak was ended by a deck that has a favorable matchup against yours. Otherwise, it was more likely your win streak would have continued.


Ahh whoops. I read that as “harder encounters” instead of “hard counters”.

Anyways if such a pattern actually existed it would be super easy to prove with actual data. Yet no one ever does so. So really it is just a case of confirmation bias.


Hearthstone is a simple game designed for kids and teenagers and yeah sometimes it does not matter how much expierence you have with this game.
When facing a deck that counters yours perfectly like a kingsbane rogue vs a dead mans hand warrior without a certain tech card then it’s up to the incredible lucky RNG on your side.

Most posts or topics created with this rigged subject is just the sceptical youth it’s thought processes and i guess they can not comprehend certain random events.

So, we have two possibilities here…

  1. They’re forcing a 50% winrate on everyone with rigged algorithms. This means literally no one could climb from Diamond 5 to Legend, or from X Legend rank to upper Legend, ever.

  2. MMR matches players based on performance and as such, will naturally trend players towards a 50% winrate by merit of better-performing/worse-performing opponent depending on their own performance.

The fact that the entire playerbase isn’t hardstuck at Diamon 5 or lower legend already disproves #1, with the inclusion of many F2P people who hit Legend.

This is pretty simple, folks.


Or to bronze 5, even.

Can’t believe how often this topic comes up. Probably spouted by the same conspiracy nuts who think Avril Lavigne died and the one knocking about is a clone, or Covid-19 is a ploy by oul Bill Gates to rule the world.


the problem with that statement is i believe there are some sick people in this world that would get “off” on doing this.

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hmmmm, since i am way older than a teen, i find this statement either erroneous or insulting…

now that is insulting to those who think it is or might be rigged and rather shortsighted imho.

i do believe there are several more possibilities than these two. like the code not doing what was expected. there is also several situations that would make #1 an erroneous statement like the skill of a player taking them farther vs someone who cant build as good of a deck. if one players deck is horribly built and the other players is a very good build, it would be almost impossible for an algorithm to make the bad deck win, especially if the margin was significant.

you are making a statement about something that is extremely complex.

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