Proof that Hearthstone is rigged

This is exactly my point.

Fair matches is one thing.

Forcing a 50% win-rate for everyone is a whole nother can of worms but for some reason…the ‘forum gurus’ association has combined them to mean the same thing…

It’s not the same thing.

All those saying that these are one and the same are completely misguided, and coming to false conclusions.

It’s not even logical.


They don’t force a 50 percent winrate that’s where your wrong. Nor do they manipulate the matches they only raise your mmr (rank) to face better players.

They want a 50 percent winrate this is down via when you are over 50 percent your mmr raises faster as such you soon get placed vs someone you don’t beat due to being the same skill level once there unless your skill goes up you will see approx 50 percent winrate from nothing other than people being the same skill.

It’s completely fine if your winrate is over 50 percent the system dosent punish you for that it only raises your mmr which in many games is your rank (Like on legend) as don’t got a duel rank system like hearthstone. So it’s a good thing to have a higher mmr and face better people. Thos ends up with a avg winrate of 50 percent not a forced winrate of 50 percent massive diff between avg and forced. As it takes time to avg so you vary well can have a higher than 50 percent winrate at times and I have. Over large periods assuming no change of your skill your winrate will avg to 50 percent thou which is how ALL mmr systems work. Online and offline.

You’re the only one conflating “we try to give people fair matches” with “we force a 50% winrate.”


No, you all are.

It’s essentially what all the posts have been saying as a rebuttal to the OP.

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The original post is a gross misrepresentation of what Blizzard said.

Nothing about that statement suggest a heavy handed, rigged system that enslaves you to 50/50.

It literally says “close” indicating that there will be variance.

So you think there should be no mmr just random matching and you feed on the noobs? Something different?

Idk what you think is so wrong with the current system that you think it is rigged.


the existence of 40% and lower win rate decks alone proves tittle and OP is a lie


Everyone knows that Blizzard is happy seeing everyone endlessly argue about this topic right?
You will never convince the people who believe it is rigged that it is not, and vice versa.
Either way, both groups continue to play. As long as the money comes in, that is all that matters :slight_smile:

Actually they said they no longer consider it a valid topic because there’s no way to discuss constructively with conspiracy theorists (their words) and locked every thread where it came up.

A while later they laid off the CM responsible for the forums because Bobby Kotick didn’t think his record profits were enough, and now we have the midden heap that you see here.

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It would be nice if they did :drooling_face:

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where do you get this information?
the same thing i asked fingrknitter about a different statement, and never got a response.
you two seem to know a lot about the internal workings of blizzard.


Also, what is wrong with wanting to beat weak players? It’s not my fault that my opponents are bad, you know that right?

Even in other professional sports like soccer or tennis, rigging MMR is only applied once (with the seeding system where stronger participants are splitted into different groups at group stage). But after that, every match is fair play. If you have luck and got a weak opponent then it’s just luck.

On the other hand, Blizzard model trying to rig MMR constantly and force that 50% WR in every single game. It makes a stronger players got a much more difficult group of opponents compared with a weaker one. If it’s not cheating I don’t know what it should be called.

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Because I had the CM’s direct email as part of the MVP program for Hearthstone.

The part about them considering the topic closed and locking the threads was posted in the forums, though.


Because the world does not exist simply to flatter your ego, those people deserve just as much a chance of winning as you do.

Nothing is wrong with wanting to beat weak players, but expecting them to be handed to you just so you can smash them to pieces makes you a weak coward afraid of actual competition.


your telling me they give that kind of information in an email to players?
sorry i dont buy that.

The old fourm mvps did get a more info than the avg player when it came to fourm related stuff so what he said is not a stretch.

Esp if he’s talking about a cm direct email As such it’s not nessarilly a official communication but more of a internal message.

As for the system not giving you new player to beat if you want them. The system dose in fact it’s quite good at it many players use it for exactly that. Toss a bunch of games your mmr drops you now have noobs to face do it again as matches get harder.

Except that other players already got the same chance of winning as me. They got the same access to card collection, playing under the same rule as the rest of us. It just that their IQ prevented them to do so.

Think about it the other way Mand. Do you think it’s fair for me trying to fight my azz of against a group of top-200 legend players just to get the same 60% win rate as a noob who can do the same easily against a group of Bronze players? Why I, who is far better than that noob, still have to waste the same amount of time to reach the same milestone as him? Is my time doesn’t have the same value as his?

I don’t want Bronze opponents are handed to me neither. Just want to have a system where RNG is truly random. Just let everybody to have the same chance to meet everybody else.

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i already think mand posts under more than one name in these forums… and having serious doubts as to whether he is an employee or not. just sayin.


In your example your time is being valued the same thou.

You are facing same skill level players as you so is he as such will both see about 50 percent winrate and both see about the same games to a given milestone. In fact the higher skilled player will likly see it first due to having a higher liklyhood to have a given milestone before and as such have bonus stars.

Allowing you to “stomp noobs” and not match by mmr would be the example that is not valuing your time the same as it’s making the new players take significantly longer to reach the same milestone.

It is vary fair for it match you vs similar players and the higher skilled player (as defined by last months ranking) moving up far faster. Once you are out of bonus stars you are matched by rank not mmr. While if you really want to face noobs you always have the option to rank your mmr.


He never claimed to be a employee a mvp is not a employee it’s in fact by definition of the program not one. They are community memeber that where added as fourm mvps to denote players blizzard though where helpful. They had no connection to blizzard other than just that, there post history showed them as helpful and it is known he was a mvp on the old fourms.

i never said or even implied he said he was one… just some of the things he and fingrknitter say make me wonder.

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