Proof that Hearthstone is rigged

There’s your proof folks.

Kerfuffle confirmed.

Blizzard wants 50% winrate for everyone.

This is why, every time you’re on a winstreak.

You get matched into successive hard counters.

You get punished for being too good with 1 class.

50% winrates for everyone!

Except those with the best RNG luck and TIME on their hands.


Yeah, you do realise that ALL ladder systems, in every game, strive for that, right? Thats what a ladder is designed to do by default.

Try again.


Here we go again…

A 50% win rate (without manipulation) means that you are on average facing people of your same skill level (because, all other factors being equal, it would come down to luck, which tends to average out).

A 50% win rate is therefore the goal, but that doesn’t mean that

It is the difference between “we want everyone to be happy” and “We will put happiness inducing drugs in the water system!”


Ok but why do they want everyone to have a 50% win-rate?

That sounds terrible lmao


Because in a two player game thats the ideal? Its what every single (2 player) ladder tries to achieve. It means you are being matched with people of similar ability.


Except for the fact that they will still match you up way outside mmr if the queue takes too long.


Would you rather wait thirty minutes for a player with exactly your MMR? Wouldn’t, over time, that equal out to a 50% win rate because sometimes you’re the higher MMR and sometimes you are not?

There is no proof the game is rigged.

Regression towards the mean (a stats concept you will need to find yourself) would move towards a 50% win rate over time if players are equally matched. MMR variation wouldn’t change this.


If there is no available player of your level in queue for you to play against, would you rather they stuck you in queue forever until one such player decides to arrive?


For me that means that you dont get pair with players of your same rank, but with players that did as good as you the last month. So if you got to legend the last month, but you started a week latter the climbing, then you wont get paired with players that end the last month in bronce. It doesnt mean that they look to stop your winstreak, it means that they look for every match to be fair so both players have a chance to win.


Welcome to wild legend ranks before the change. Anyone who saw/experienced the queue times, especially high legend, even at the halfway point of the season (aka: now) knows how long queue times can get.

ControlTheBoard once literally streamed a “game” where he queued, went for a 10 minute shower, and came back STILL in queue…

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Because … everyone wants a fair match. And a fair match means your opponent is equally skilled. Which means both of you are just as likely to win and generate a 50% winrate over time.


You realize that there’s over a million people on ladder.

Before a person’s MMR on a win streak rises high enough to face Firebat that person will have have to face dozens of people WITHOUT LOSING in between if they’re not already a High Legend player.


Fair matches is the opposite of rigging.


The gaming equivalent of participation medals for the kids who have two left feet or trip over a lot when they run.

Modern society is to blame, if these kids dont get their way they scream loud enough and long enough they won’t pay for anything then the devs hands are tied because of corporate greed.

Because 10% winratio would be unfair and depressive.


If it’s possible for everyone to be at a 50/50 winrate simply by match-making alone, then only the following two things can apply:

  1. The game requires very little skill. It’s easy for the match-maker to find an opponent with card mechanics / card choices who can beat you.
  2. The game is like rock, paper, scissors. It depends which class plays against which, so the 50/50 is achieved by matching your class against a counter class (a player who’s lost many times in a row and is playing a class that is favored against you) when you’ve won too many in a row.

The success of a player in this game is dictated mostly by Blizzard’s algorithm. No wonder I’m not having very much fun.

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Sometimes I want to leave these forums, simply because a shocking amount of people think that having a standard MMR system that ideally wants people to be evenly matched = rigging. Might as well call all ranked multiplayer games rigged then.


If this was true (it isn’t), it would be true of literally every multiplayer game out there. Hearthstone, yes, but also StarCraft 2, League of Legends, MTG: Arena, Quake Champions, Civilization, World of Warcraft, and so on, and so forth.


That’s what they want, though. They want uncontrolled matches so they can smash noobs to make themselves feel better.


MMR = rigging :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: honk honk