Proof that Hearthstone is rigged

a Dark Cloud definitely hangs over your brain which is rigged. HS is not rigged to force 50% winrate. THE mmr system is there for your benefit. If you lose multiple times your MMR goes down and it gives you easier opponent. You win several and your MMR goes up and you get harder opponent. Is this what you think is rigging? It is not. HS isnt forcing certain draws, or topdecks, or making certain players win. It is just matching ppl based on perceived strength which is a good thing overall.

Again the rigged part is your brain. You brain tricks and fools you everyday. This is 100% verified by David Eagleman in his series the Brain. How many times do I have to mention this before somebody actually listens and watches the series and responds?

In any event I just ignore every person who makes a thread like this like Darkcloud. I just respond once now. Trying to convince somebody that the game isnt rigged is like trying to convince certain ppl that its wrong to lie all the time, that its wrong to cozy up to fascists while you denigrate allies, and its wrong to let 200k ppl die while you say u did a great job. Plus if you really think game is rigged move on to another game. What is the point of a forum post?


Because if a player has an absurdly high win rate it means they aren’t facing skilled enough players. Vice versa. Ideally, the matchmaker wants players to have 50/50 chance of winning a game because that means the two players are equal skill. What deck you choose complicates this system a bit because of how deck specific matchups work. I don’t know if the matchmaker does anything to calculate deck matchups but I’m doubtful.


The game should let you know that and give you an option.

Nah we just want to stop seeing brand new players and players below Diamond being matched up with t500 + Along with everyones draw being random not rigged and decks being matched up randomly not by counters.

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None of this happens.

And new players are not getting matched up against legend players, either.

OK boomer

20 characters

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When you start keeping track of a lot of stats you easily see how this game is rigged. Especially on accounts that don’t pay money. I keep track of these games all the tim, with identical decks!

Rigged stat for today (no money account): After keeping track of my last 30 promotion games (wins that will result in rank promotions), 27/30 games have resulted in a minimum 3 game losing streak. 21/30 games would not give me a first turn play (aggro deck).

Money Account (paid money for cards): 23/30 promotion games won, only 2 losses resulted in back-to-back losses, NO 3 game losing streaks. Was able to play turn 1 card 28/30 games

Conclusion: Pay money, blizzard nice, no pay money, blizzard mean :frowning:


So why don’t the people who track millions of recorded games see it?


This could also happen if the F2P account was running suboptimal decks (either subbing suboptimal cards, or playing a deck in an unfavorable meta). You also didn’t mention what format/rank/decks you’re playing, all of which can affect the results.


I was waiting for a new thread to begin. grabs popcorn

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I don’t think that’s the conclusion because I think the evidence is suspect.

I have a completely f2p account and I haven’t seen the issues you have described. If it was as tilted toward money play as you describe, no one would play f2p because of the impossible difficulty. Seriously, if 90% of rank promotion games, as you asserted, led to 3+ game losing streaks you couldn’t actually climb the ladder at all.


I completely agree with LtDansLegs. If I could I would give him some :ice_cream:

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Alternatively, the evidence could be valid but wrong application/analysis.


In order for the evidence to be valid to the discussion thou it would of have to of been posted for review. As without posting no way to see it and check it. Also no way to see if said evidence even exists to make it valid. Without sources no evidence is ever valid it is only a claim and not a good one at that.


Yes. The source is the start, followed by the method and analysis. And mentioned earlier, there are many factors to consider to eliminate the inaccuracy.


I’m just going to accept his evidence for myself, though, since I’m confirming my previously formed and firmly held beliefs.

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It’s not confirming anything thou he might be agreeing with you but that’s quite a ways away from confirming.

Short of seeing his evidence nothing can be confirmed.

You can agree with him all you want but it only makes you look as foolish as him believing something without evidence to back it up.

In fact your claim that you will take his evidence when no valid evidence (as valid evidence at a bare min needs a source not to mention the other stuff like methiod) has been given only shows exactly the mindset you have, that you will believe what you want to belive regardless of what really is happening.

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I don’t understand Blizzard’s philosophy of considering “50% WR is fair”. It’s the opposite of fair for god sake because people should be rewarded if they have more brain or spend more time on the game. Putting everybody at the same artificial winrate removes all motivation to get better at the game.

Communism tried to do the same and we all know how “fair” that society is, lol.


… is a good thing.

Manipulating matchmaking in any way to force 50% winrate is a bad thing.


Look, I’m not one to speak in favor of Stalinism, but we’ve tried not having purges and this is where it got us. Maybe it’s time to try it the other way around.