Priest is the most unfun and frustrating class to play against right now

everytime someone mentions quest rogue when discussing possible nerfs they never mention everything else the deck did besides being tier 2 you can tell just by seeing the colors on the VS match board there was a lot of more green in there
it has many more polarizing matchps than priest even if it was the same tier it wasnt the same

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It was a Combo deck. Strong against Control decks and weak to Aggro decks. What a shocker in a Rock Paper Scissors game. QR got nerfed because people who played control decks complained incessantly. And if people complain enough, they’ll nerf Priest too. But right now, Priest complaint threads are maybe 1/10th of the threads complaining about QR back in the day. And I’m not advocating for nerfs to Priest at all; I’m simply saying that player complaints are a significant factor in these decisions. Blizzard has even said this publicly.

I currently have 180 ranked wins with Priest, and can not remember a single Priest vs Priest match that didn’t end before we both ran out of cards.

Some matches lasting 30 minutes or more (Priest vs Priest).

Puts a whole new expectation on potential play time… quite often someone surrenders against me at the start of match. Most of the time, it’s another Priest.

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Nope, QR got nerfed because of its polarising matchups. T3 decks can, despite popular belief, be the meta defining decks. Just like GPW with its <50% global win rate in its unnerfed state… IN LEGEND!

It doesnt matter what tier a deck is, if its warping the meta around it, then its an issue. That is what hapened with QR, just like it did with GPW. Data alone dictated the decks were fine, but it was their (unhealthy) impact on the meta that caused their nerfs. Yes, feedback obviously contributed, but it wasnt the largest factor as you imply.


… and that’s a lie, they didn’t beat the holy jesus out of it with nerfs because it wasn’t overpowered.

The meta literally devolved into, either you play a faster deck than Quest Rogue and win or you play a slow one and lose. There was very few if any viable ways to stop Quest Rogue.

You don’t get to be the most nerfed deck in the history of Hearthstone because of a people complaining, you get it because those complaints are valid. Hell, there’s been few cases where I seen Kibler mad at something in-game and Quest Rogue was one of them and that’s saying something.


No kidding. I can’t remember the last time my priest beat a rogue.

Standard Priest experience these days is “You lose because your opponent drew 10 cards and you could only randomly generate 5.” Because random generation is totally better than drawing from your own deck, so let’s give bad cards & no burst to the random generation class and good cards to the people who draw their whole deck in 15 turns.

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That’s not a priest thing. That happens to anybody facing rogues, followed by DH

Certain locks, druids, mages, warriors, and shamans could build for card draw, but they tend to give up something for it. They’re somewhere in the middle.

Paladins could build for draw, but using up precious deck slots for anything but hand of a’dal feels more costly than the above classes.

Priest and hunter are at the bottom end of running or having draw (not that they have none, inb4 crying about savenger’s). Hunter handles the problem by trying to win before they run out of steam. Priest handles the problem by trying to stall and defend and not die before they can make their big value plays.

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Spell Druid draws 5-10 more cards than me and then two turn kill me with giant boards & savage roar if I don’t have removal in hand. Warlocks draw 10 more cards than me and then blow me up with Malygos from 20+. Warriors get 10 extra cards off Battle Rage from empty boards at the start of the turn.

Priest has big value plays? Are you judging the whole class by Res Priest despite it being less than 10% of (Edit: Priests on) the ladder? Priest’s big plays are to generate a bunch of lame minions and flood. The most important play in Galakrond Priest is to just stick a minion and put Apotheosis on it. It’s a Tempo deck who’s Tempo depends on neutrals, randomly generated Priest minions, and a couple randomly generated Priest spells. And if, at any point, this chain of random generation is broken the deck is gimped. Because they can’t draw into the next link in the chain.

If Gala Priest had access to big minions on curve, it would certainly run them.

I beg to differ, Rogue is ruining the game. Blizzards ridiculous dev’s team should be fired, why do they insist on making this game about rng and their own personal favorites instead of balancing the game!? so that all classes can be evenly competitive. Rogue is stupid and needs to be nerfed down a bit. My last several games have all bee against rogues, why, because people want easy wins with brain dead decks to play. None of the decks I have seen using rogue are different. Just start tossing lackeys , the game does not provide enough aoe removal for other classes to deal with the amount of minions each turn, not to mention the amount of removal and control they have given this class. I agree Priest is a tough class to play against, but it is nothing like RNG Rogue.

“two turn kill with giant boards and savage roar if I don’t have removal” also happens to everyone, not just priest. Note that priest is one of the few classes with an answer to boards protected by soul of the forest (others being shaman plague of murlocs and mages amazing reno)

By big value plays, I mean plays that give you value and card advantage. Be you tempo or control, a priest has to pay heed to card advantage, as the class lacks the card draw to keep themselves fueled if they over extend or sacrifice too many of their minions in trades.

Contrast this to hunter, who have in the past and perhaps present have more leeway to sing the SMORC song (no trade me go face)

No, I am not. My comment is not aimed at any particular priest deck.

Bro, I said that months ago.

Just git gud, TC. Priest is currently a tier-4 class on HSReplay.

I don’t think Priest ever really has card advantage, tbh. Half the ladder is drawing more cards from their deck than Priest can generate. Your hand clogs up while you remove their cards 2 for 1 or better, and they still get more cards out over the course of the game.

It sucks that they finally design Priest right, and it still doesn’t work well because they decided to give 5 classes massive draw & mana cheats. I swear, they need to buff Priest Galakrond to reduce the cost of the Invoked cards by the 2 mana I had to invest in it by playing cards that are behind the curve or by using the hero power.

I don’t play Rogue, so I have no bias here. But isn’t it generally considered one of the hardest classes to play?

By card advantage, I do include 2 for 1 or better, not just who has more cards in their hand.

If it’s simply filling their hand, rogues and locks come to mind as the top right now. The latter apparently isn’t as common or have as good matchup spread, so it’s just mostly rogue with their draw-7-cards-that-cost-zero. Other classes fall on a spectrum. The point here is, everybody has to deal with rogue draw, so the “I’m getting out drawn” problem isn’t unique to priests.

If these crazy draw decks are such a problem, then nerfing those decks would be more fruitful than buffing priest. It helps some other classes who struggle against them too.

Then… start playing more cards? If you have that much in your hand, you can afford to play more cards and grow your board. Or even start NOT trading 2 for 1 all the time, so that of your weaker dudes die to make room for bigger dudes.

It’s a balancing act.

As for buffing galakrond priest power… as above, I’d rather the ridiculous stuff other classes have get toned down (not fully committed about nerfing rogues, but I’d keep an eye out on them should the DH/hunter/warrior meta changes). If it’s about giving weaker classes stronger stuff, paladins, shamans, and druids are even lower than priests on the totem pole right now.

I’m running into kind of a lot of the Quest Maly Warlocks and Spell Druids in the ~1000 Legend range. More than other Priests, but that might be just because Priest games take so much longer

VS hasn’t put out a list in quite a while so the numbers I’ve got are old, but Spell Druid and Galakrond Priest were looking at pretty similar numbers in the stretch of time before the nerfs. Since then, the favorable Warrior match for Priest has diminished and the unfavorable Highlander Hunter match has spiked, which going by the existing numbers is a very favorable change for Spell Druid.

Maly Locks didn’t really exist until recently, but the report says that Quest Lock was promising to be better than Control Lock. Not really saying much. I imagine there will be a report on Thursday and we’ll see if that supports my beliefs. There are some players saying that Priest is quite strong, but if that’s the case I must be playing it totally wrong.

Haha. If only it were that easy for a Priest. Everything’s conditional.

As someone who plays a HL/Galakrond hybrid, I have been known to do this…especially if I’ve just gotten done with 1 or more long games. It’s not uncommon for that deck to run all the way out. Now I don’t mind a longer match, but anymore I have to look at every match against another priest as if it’s going to take at least 25 minutes. Sometimes I simply don’t have the time to play like that so out comes the autoconcede. I will also auto-cede on turn 7 if you’ve rezzed that infiltrator or grave runed it.

Im glad im not the only priest player who commented here. Im also glad we can all have good healthy disagreement/dispute.

I would love too but lets see, this hits a minion 5 or greater, this kills only minions with 5 power or greater, this kills 3 or less, this deals 2 dmg to everything but will kill nothing. This silences something/everything but nothing is buffed yet. Playing this into the current board helps them. Or best of all they are playing all Cant target this minion, so i have nothing to target with my removal

Have you not played as/against druids and mages?

I dont think at most times priest can contend with the meta enough to be considered a problem class(I said most not all RIP Reno Razakus).

Everyone playing it must be playing t wrong except the one person that plays with them. since it winrate is so low, even with the buff of people auto concedes.

Someone just had Legend 1 with Gala Priest, like, last week. I’m sure the standings have gotten worse up there, seems like more and more people are playing Maly Warlock lately. It’s horribly one-sided because, you guessed it, the Warlock draws 10+ more cards than you and then OTKs you.

Because Maly and Alex should TOTALLY still be in Standard, they aren’t causing problems year after year. And drawing 0 mana cards totally isn’t busted at all, either. Aw, drew Maly before you could make it 0? No problem, just Plot Twist it back into the deck.

Like I said, though, I don’t think that Gala Priest is that awful. I’m lingering in the 1,100-600 range with it. But it’s painful to look at your opening hand and know you have to draw like a god to have a chance in this game. Too many games are decided by what you get off your first couple Invokes, and if you even draw any.

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And then redraw it with the same plot twist