Priest is the most unfun and frustrating class to play against right now

I have played every single deck in the top tier and they CONSISTENTLY lose to priest. Not to mention it literally is not fun. Why would blizzard allow deck that just ruins the game for the player it goes against to exist. I have literally lost my will to play because EVERY other game I have to deal with this unfunny unfair deck. Its genuinely frustrating the hell out of me


Priest can’t pull a complete asspull win on you. Rogue can.

For that reason alone, I’d rather take priest over rogue as a consistent matchup.

You’re probably playing them poorly, then. Unless by “every single deck in the top tier” you mean “Enrage/Egg Warrior.”

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It’s different to hate on priest because you dislike the class, but most people just flatout don’t understand how to play against priest. And then hate on it.

Because they’re bad. That’s just … Facepalm -worthy.


not sure
remember when i change to galakrond i get to use rogue class cards from the lackeys(changing to their galak changes my class) + priest ones i had in my deck / hand

not the same as a rogue using his own galakrond

How is this a problem? The fact that no deck is just outright good against everything is a GOOD THING.

Priest is the final solution to the DH problem.

I void contract as early as possible and avoid killing priest minions, opting to silence and freeze them instead. They have always been a nuisance to play against but recently its become a colossal fun leech, that coupled with Demon Hunter killed any sort enjoyment this game held for me.

I had a game today where I Lazul’ed the Wand out of his hand, Thoughtstole his Galakrond, and had Murozand for when he played his own Wand. I went through my entire deck before him, as a Priest, and then shuffled 5 Kronxs into my deck with a discovered Togwaggle’s Scheme and won that way.

I am the Rogue, now.


It means Blizz is telling you “heck you, pay me”?

Rogue is still more powerful. Priest can be like a psychic or Kakashi from Naruto, a copycat. Rogue can steal from any class at any time, or at least it seems that way. When Rogue and Priest only use their own toys, Rogue has the better toys.

Ok at what point does priest have best removal? I prefer mage and warlock removal generally, they have more aoe at bigger numbers than 2. Priest at targeted removal is very specific and the more versatile things come at huge disadvantage. While you have mages burn dmg as well as aoe and then things like polymorph. Shaman has hex as well as high dmg aoe and even aoe that scales. Warlock has alot of dmg spells that can go face or minion and can deal with big minions as fast as priest or faster. If you are complaining about the length of game, i can accept that. Priest games tend to be grind fests(unless you DH or Hunter which just usually smash it outright). Als the idea that priest players are the only ones who rope is silly. Some people are streaming and if you watch are trying to explain plays to their viewer. Other use it as a win strategy when your opps rage quit. I would not limit roping to just priests. TBH mostly when i play priest or against them the games are long but the turns are pretty short, they are either wiping the board, trying to wipe it, or stall as much dmg as they can. I have had some rope games but not enough to make a post saying its limited to one class. Priest did at one point ages ago get a season or 2 of broken when Raza combo was a thing. And seriously thoughtsteal … a card that generates 2 RANDOM!! card from your OPPS DECK. ugh i cant even begin to think how this even quailfys as something to complain about. I would take a draw 2 for 3 mana over it any day of the week. So in short if your going to complain about a class make it one worth complaining about or at least hit on the right thing that it does wrong because winning too much is 100% not a priest ability most the time.

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Try Galakrond warrior. That deck has been killing my priest.

How so? Because you have the ability to be certain of demon hunter’s damage, removal and board pressure potential per turn, playing against them feels far fairer than current priest, rogue or mage ever will.

I mean, Priest had literal mind control as a Crowd Control option in World of Warcraft. It’s perfectly reasonable for them to take the other guy’s cards.

Edit: I don’t see how a burglar could take thoughts out of people’s heads, that doesn’t make any sense to me.


Getting a card from your opponent’s deck is, far more often than not, very powerful. The game’s filled with one card power turns as it stands.

Few people outside casual-casuals put trash in their decks.

That is a fallacy. Plenty of people loved playing the old Quest Rogue. And it was a tier 2/3 deck. But because so many people complained about it, they broke it with a massive nerf. And when an expansion brought some cards that made it viable again, they broke it again with yet another massive nerf. Not because it was overpowered. Because people complained.

Quest Rogue was nerfed because it had a very polarized matchup spread, not just because people complained about it. The same thing is not necessarily true of decks like Big/Rez Priest.


you are really comparing how good pre nerf rogue was compared to current priest ?? everyone in the meta were building their own decks with that deck in mind

so you cant be telling me people do the same for priest

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It had around 52% winrate. It was tier 2 or tier 3. People were complaining about it. So they nerfed it. They nerfed it so strongly as to destroy the deck. Further evidence of this is when it re-emerged and was quickly nerfed again to destroy it. They point is that player complaints are, in fact, a significant factor in deciding to nerf a card or a deck. Now in the case of Priest, I’ll agree that they shouldn’t ignore the players who like Priest. But they absolutely did ignore the players who liked the old Quest Rogue.