Priest and Druid are too oppressive

Honestly, I hate fighting these two classes more than any other class. They have too much sustain. Between priest being able to copy your cards, (including your win condition cards) and its own cards over and over and over again there’s literally nothing you can do. And then theirs Druid with its one cost legendaries, discounted dragons, etc. I don’t mind a challenge. I love a challenge, but what I hate is playing matches that feel impossible. If a deck is going to have a bunch of strengths, it has to have weaknesses as well. That is the whole point of having different classes. There has to be balances, they can’t just have overwhelming strengths with no way to counter said strengths.

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Funny thing is that druid feels nearly unplayable to me because everything will kill you before your stuff starts being threatening.

Priests steal your good cards and use them better than you can. Warriors delete you before your outlast effects can happen. Warlocks kill you before turn 7 or OTK you if you manage to survive past that via crescendo. Hand buff paladin rolls over you before you can put anything together.

I’m really starting to wonder what druid is good at beating, because it’s not feeling strong against anything.

Even my demon hunter deck had less trouble than this.

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Warriors probably one of the only classes I’m not scared of. I can normally kill it either before eight or even if they do get brann out, if I’ve pressured enough beforehand, I can kill them in a few more turns. My problem with Druid is I can pressure it fairly well, but they somehow always end up healing before I can finish it off and then by that point they have all the 1 cost legendaries and all the discounted dragons etc. But with priest, there is no strategy or pressuring or anything cause nothing you play matters.

The meta right now is pretty swingy and polarizing. Games kind of feel like you never had a chance, and if you win a bad matchup it feels more like you got lucky rather than you had a good game.

There are very, very few decks right now that feel like you have a decent chance against everything.


If a priest plays your deck better than you do, the problem isn’t the priest.

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Druid just needs to get ran down quickly, that’s all there is to it

If your deck struggles with it, it might just be your counter, or you’re playing it wrong

Yeah, just can’t play Rheastrasza or they get both highlander payoffs. Silly me. Or madam lazul might copy it, or dirty rat could put it in board to be stolen by puppet theater or synchronize.

Replace rheastrasza with every power card you might want to run.

Beating them basically just relies on you getting luckier with aviana than they are.

At least when I was playing demon hunter, Illidari inquisitors didn’t really care about being copied by priest.

Hell, I’ve even lost games to Ignis weapons generating a Brann for the priest to copy.

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I love how you have absolutely nothing to offer you just commenting to cause discord. People like you are as simple and boring as they get. The fact that you can’t understand, priest being able to not only copy opponents cards, but they have cards that can steal opponents cards right off the field. Not to mention they also have stuff like creation protocol and Power chord: synchronize that copy their own cards. Having to play against three Aman’thul’s who can remove your minions from existence or three reborn elusive poison zillaxs followed by Reno etc is literally unwinnable.

play your reno after reaxtraza and priest just wasted a turn

one cost legendary …i cant think on a way to decrease your legendary card costs to 1

If you simply pick every murloc starting at 1 mana, you will probably beat my druid,

priests win not by copying every card, but by copying your best cards

People have been whining the same whines about priest copy cards for ten years straight. They’ve always been “fine” at best.

Play the Demon Seed deck. It make priest cry.

And from the priest’s perspective, copy Rhea from the druid, and just hold it so they can never use Reno. If they do, like to clear your board of 5/5s, or Unkilliax, or Ignis freebie 8 drops… infinite value time!

It’s not all that hard for priest to make druid miserable.

I don’t think you’re playing the matchup right, or the deck you are using is wrong.

Druid just needs to fizzle their Rhea and/or Rhea + bounce. Every Highlander Druid I play against does that. This makes it so they will have a Rhea and the Priest will never get it unless they hit a lucky dirty rat.

Highlander Druid is favored against Highlander Priest for the meta decks.

This is why I have since adjusted my Highlander Priest to be much more favored because of how Highlander Druids are currently playing the matchup.

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Correct, that’s the requirement, at minimum for druid to play that matchup.

You basically get stuck holding all of your good cards unless you can bounce them or snapshot them, or both, while the priest can just do whatever they want.

Druid is playing that matchup with their hands tied behind their back. Yes, they win about half the time, but god damn it’s one of the least fun experiences possible.

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Well that’s not entirely true. Priest also has to hold on to their cards in that matchup. So for example, you need to hold on to your Fizzle until you have your location and etc and Reno or else the Druid Fizzle will out value you. So you’re kind of playing the same game the Druid is playing. Survive / Pressure until you can value. The problem is that Highlander Druid will apply tons of more pressure than Priest can, so Priest can’t really afford to keep their cards in hand as much as Druid can.

Of course, then the payoff becomes can Priest banker the Fizzle card before Druid draws it.

This is why that matchup is fairly even. It’s more about who lands a good Fizzle. It’s a real back and forth chess match but I feel the Druid has the slight advantage because those turn 4-6 turns are brutal because Druid can get mid range dragons out and Priest can have a rough time dealing with them. All in all, the Druid will likely win the value game overall because there’s no way to wipe 3 nests.

It’s a long battle that’s highly annoying for both sides I’d imagine. I know it’s an annoying battle for the Priest for sure. The dragon pressure constantly coming at you is pretty rough. I’ve lost several times to it and the Druid will never play Rhea.

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“Classes that i don’t play are OP. Nerf now.”

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Oh look the degenerate is back. Here’s that attention you ordered. Do everyone a favor and seek therapy, you clearly need it.

Remember to play Hearthstone properly you must follow this rule: Only for thee never for me.

What this means is that you must give your opponent at least 30 turns and you must allow any shenanigans they attempt. If you do not you are a cheating hacker dirty aggro player that is working for Blizzard to rig their game.

To quote you;

Leave druid alone. You have admitted to playing mostly mage and DK, DK being one of the classes people point out as incredibly annoying to fight due to its capabilities.
If you not steamrolling every class, it doesnt mean they need to be nerfed, but that you got rock-paper-scissored by another class.

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