Why do I need to see my opponent highlight my champ?

I’ve never understood the point of this. Does someone wish to enlighten me on what the original purpose of this feature was? Because it has no real purpose in this day and age other than for opponents to sit there and continuously highlight your portrait as a means of trolling. (It’s always funny when my opponent tries to troll me with rope burning every turn/messing around with my character portrait then when I do it back they can’t handle it for some reason and rage quit lmao.)

Keep trying, maybe some day you’ll meet reality.

It’s amazing how you know things that you can’t possibly know.

Like magic …

Are you mentally well?

I’m fine; I’m doubtful about you.

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It just makes it easier for them to program. You can see what cards they are thinking of using…you know?


I’ve been playing since this game came out and I’ve never once noticed another player highlighting my hero. I’m not saying they don’t do it, I’m saying that I’m not actively looking to be offended at absolutely any little thing so my don’t care meter is so low that I’ve never once seen it.

This leads me to believe this is a you problem. You’re easily agitated at the smallest inconvenient little thing that this is what bothers you?

Online gaming might not be your thing. Maybe stick with solo games because if this irritates you, you’re likely only a few roping turns away from a complete mental breakdown.

This is just so petty. This screams "He’s highlighting my hero! Mom! He’s looking at me!"


It is petty, but have you really never noticed it? Are you that unobservant?

I’ll just put you in the ground now: I guess this game is made for you.

it shows you when your opponent is throwing spells at your face

It’s useful for when you’re asking yourself if you should concede to Nature shaman or let the animations play

If you count 7-8 highlights face, you’re dead, move on

Also, if you emote and then see your face highlighted, it means you’re playing against a tilter. You can use that knowledge to tilt them further enough

it’s just a way to add interaction with theother player
Imagine if it was a physical card game where theother player is hovering the board with their hand while thinking about their next move
The only purpose is to add flavor to the game
You could ask “why do I need to see my opponent looking at a specific card in their hand ?”
Same answer : flavor

it happens to me all the time in Wild. it’s usually with newer players whom i guess had it done to them & think that’s what everyone does, or from players with “OP” decks that don’t like that i keep playing & can play well against them. i just do it back to them until they quit doing it to me

If “highlighting” tilts you so, I suggest finding a non-pvp game.