Priest and Druid are too oppressive

I highlander druid and I beat a DK last night. Dunno if it was you, kind of always hoped someone would come on here and rage after recasting pit boss 3 times and they still lose after stealing my own yogg. In reality, the one costs are garbage, it’s a dice roll and that’s what makes it fun. Sometimes you just get literal nothings, or dead cards such as the rogue legendary that changes shape after playing a different class card, Ive had that more than once, then it’s just a 3/3. If the DK decides to eat the Rheastrasza and not Fye, that’s not my problem. Especially if they try rush damage and are shocked the titan can heal back to full.

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If they aren’t on top, then something else will be. This game can no longer be balanced because team5 has printed too much trash.

we know
its a card game with a ranked ladder its the first time i see you rant agaisnt the entire game genre

I’m not ranting at all, merely pointing out that complaints are futile, because no matter what happens, something will be on top and players will complain.
Shoo, fly.