PLEASE help me decide!

The Shop has 2 offers I’m interested in…

  1. Descent of Dragons- you get 15 packs $19.99
  2. Special Offer: Druid pic & cardback (don’t really care), 30 packs (from older solo adventures) $24.99

I know the 2 is a better deal. But they are older expansions which could mean some of those cards could poss be taken away soon right? I have already opened 24 DOD packs tht were free or with gold. What I am wondering is, when you spend cash is there a possibility of better cards? Bc even tho it’s not the better deal there are some great cards in this release… right?

HELP WHAT DO I DO!? Lol :joy:

Oh and btw I have only been playing since summer so the older packs could still be beneficial for me…

I would do the second one since you can just dust the cards but if you specifically want DoD cards, go for the first.

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I just honestly want to be able to have stronger decks and more options so I can improve at the game. Some DOD cards are OP I’ve heard, but they do nerf cards occasionally right?

Yeah but you get full dust refund in the needed cards. Also Rastakan’s Rumble and Witchwood overall have very weak cards but the other three have potential

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Ok! Thank you so much! Especially for responding so quick! I’m a girl so you know we get anxious when we wanna spend money :joy: Srsly tho, you rock!!

Don’t waste your money on this game - decision easy.


@chri5 I KNOW YOU ARE SO RIGHT!! But… I am 40 and quit hitting bars years ago and have no life lmao… JK I have a life, but games are all I do for fun and I never spend money… Guess it’s kinda like Merry Christmas to me :joy:

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Not wasting money on this game is the best decision.

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I always recc not to spend any money, until players understand the game economics.

(read for new players)

Will be able to better advise you thereafter.


@Reaver: Thank you SO much for all the info! I read a lot, but there is so much information and a lot of links. Did you do tht yourself!? Its very well written and precise. Thank you a million times over! This should keep me pretty busy :blush:

I also stumbled upon the Blizzard shop, which I had no clue existed, and claimed the free Solo’s! I’m currently at Lvl 20 and my Heroes range from Warrior @ 37 to Priest @ 29. I have abt 2/3 of cards for all classes and 163 of 383 of the neutral standards, (I think its 383) and abt 1700 dust. I’m going to try my best to be patient and read as much as I can before spending anything! Thanks again! You’re amazing!

Thank you to all of you for responding! I really appreciate it. If I can return the favor and help anyone out lmk! Y’all rock! Merry Christmas!

I almost forgot! Question: I read about choosing a server… I don’t recall ever being prompted to do that. I’ve only played on my mobile device. Could this be why? Or maybe I’m just getting old and forgot… :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Server selection begins when you started the account. If you logout from your game, you will see which server you are currently on.

The reason I attached the link is to provide some basis to explain the economics.

Because this game can be played in multiple ways, thus before you experienced, understood and decided which suits your lifestyle/game preference more, than it is unwise to spend money inefficiently.

In summary,

  1. Standard and Wild Mode.
  2. Arena mode
  3. Solo-adventures
  4. Battlegrounds

Try these few modes to get a feel of them, as each mode will require different management in terms of resources.

Feel free to ask more questions.

I wouldn’t do either of those if I was you. I can promise you this, no matter what the result of your pack openings is, you will be disappointed.

And on that note… I feel like I need to inform you that 15 packs is a scam. 15 packs is just enough to get you far enough into the pity timer that you are them compelled to buy even more packs, if you did not get at least one legendary.

At that point sunk cost fallacy takes over. You are out your 15 packs. Now what? Do you just write off the purchase and forget it? Or do you continue to buy more until you get what you want?

In the end, you need to be made aware that this game is rigged against in you in ways that are not obvious. Many ways are obvious, but many of them are not.

This game was designed with psychological warfare in mind. Activision even has patents on psychological warfare tactics. Activision has dumped millions of dollars into research and development to that end. They know exactly what they are doing.

Which brings me to my final point… If you need to ask what to do, that means you are ignorant. It means you don’t know what is best. I suggest you figure out what is best first. And judging by the answers here, very few of these people are capable of helping you.

My suggestion? Refrain from purchase at all.

There are some helpful peeps in this discord group that can also help you.

Warning: There will be many different advises. Do make judgement call on applicability on your own prefernece and situation.

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Dude… you OK? You sound like your parents were murdered by Activision.

And I think it’s possible to give your opinion without calling anyone “ignorant”.


When all your corrupted thought process aimed at a game that he cant wrap his mind around :clown_face:

You can choose your region.
Your collection of cards will be attached to that region so if you pick another region you basically start a new collection but your account is the same.

You act like calling someone ignorant is an insult. It is not. We are all ignorant about more things than we are not ignorant about. You are ignorant, I am ignorant, we are ALL ignorant.

In this case, the original poster is ignorant as to how he is being manipulated. And for the most part, these people are not helping him, including yourself, by focusing on me. And for that, you are a fool, on top of your ignorance.

I meant to respond to this sooner, but being as it was Christmas I was a little busy. MetalX I don’t know you, but I am going to try my best to word this without sounding as if I am attacking you. Because I’m not. We are all entitled to our opinions on anything. But they are still just opinions whether they are based on facts or not. I am very appreciative that you felt the need to respond and share yours with me. Mainly bc the info that you shared was interesting and has me curious enough to want to look into it myself. Just bc its intriguing. So thank you for your response. Concerning the comments on ignorance, you are correct. Used in the right context it is not a direct insult. However, as I’m sure you’ve heard before, sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it. And I must admit I was pretty irritated when I read it. But I’m glad that I waited to respond. Bc honestly it is simply just a game. No matter who makes it and regardless of what they invest their money in. You are right as far as my lack of knowledge abt the game. I’m still learning. And I wont learn much about this game or anything in life if I am too timid to ask questions out of fear of seeming ignorant. While I did not know all of the juicy details you provided I was well aware of the mechanics of not just this, but every game in the Playstore. But in all honesty, they provide these games for free. They have expenses. They have to make money somehow. Last but not least, I am a 40 year old married woman that is currently unemployed due to health issues. I enjoy the game. It passes the time. I just wanted to make the game more enjoyable by strengthening my decks. My husband was treating me to a purchase. Simple as that. Once again tho your response was genuinely appreciated. Maybe just be more aware on your delivery with using such strong words. Especially when doing so in this format when what you say can so easily be taken out of context.

No need to fear, as no-one would know who you are but just a name and an avatar.
Feel free to ask anything/anytime.

I can’t do that. I won’t do that. Like you should not be afraid to ask questions, in fear you may show your ignorance, I cannot stop talking, for fear what I say may be taken out of context.

But I can assure you, any emotions you attach to me or my posts, it just simply is not there. In fact, I would suggest that your future dealings on the Internet are done in such a way as to always take what people say strictly at face value, at least until proven otherwise.

Making any assumptions about emotions behind text on the Internet, be they good or bad, is only going to end up in net losses. Perception is virtually useless on Internet forums. You will never gain anything from attempting to perceive something that may or may not be there while perusing Internet forums.

Truth is, I actually brush people off, mostly anyway, when they attempt to perceive into me. People who will imagine things like that… Yeah, it is too much for me.

I mean, what was the image of me in your mind? Was I laughing maniacally? With my back hunched? Brows furrowed and teeth bared? Madly typing away at my keyboard?

If you had any image in your mind other than a calm and relaxed 40 year old guy reclined in his chair, happily typing along, just taking a break between matches, it was an incorrect image.

Basically, the “how” of what I said was all in your own mind. I guess you could say it is/was a hell of your own making.

Cooler heads always prevail. And let’s just say, I am not accustomed to losing, even when the stakes are negligible, or even non-existent.

In the end, however, I should thank you. For you did not turn me into a troll. Had you come back here with a different attitude, I surely would have responded in “kind”, making me into a troll of sorts. So kudos to you, for keeping a cool head.

First of all I really appreciate the length of your reply! As silly as that sounds I am dead serious lol. I tend to get long winded when writing/typing. Half the time friends don’t even read more than the first few words of my texts :joy: In response to what I envisioned… I honestly thought you were some know it all kid. It had nothing to do with what you said or how you said it. It’s just been my experience in other games that I play that generally I’m one of the oldest in the clan/guild. But if I had envisioned anything it probably would have looked like Homer Simpson choking Bart. And I was wrong. Your explanation is spot on when you said that the “how” was in my own mind. Life can be so funny. I have struggled for years with my sensitivity (never with a stranger online lol). This situation just gave me a lot of clarity. That may seem silly considering it’s a game forum and we are strangers. But I think that makes it so much more significant. I would like to say though, in my defense, I am from the South. I may be wrong, but judging by your style of writing I’m assuming you live in the States as well. Anyway, it’s been my experience that words like ignorant are used quite often in a negative way and never correctly. Like you explained, being ignorant is having a lack of knowledge of something. But typically people use it with the intention of hurting or insulting someone. I don’t agree with it. I’m an English major. It drives me crazy. But that’s the world we live in. And since I assumed that you were probably 19 years old I took it in a negative way. I apologize. Also thanks for reminding me that cooler heads always prevail. I needed to hear that as well more than you know! Here I go getting long winded again… Just one more thing… if you aren’t accustomed to losing can we be friends in the game so you can teach me how to beat the s@#t out of all the people that say “Whoops” when they manage to take out more than one of my cards :rofl: