Players running rope to anger opponent

This a real thing,opponent plays then i can see him looking at cards and just letting the rope go every time.


Yep. Itā€™s a real thing. Some people are jerks.


Mind games are a part of competitive games.

And yes, some people really are that slow. Had a friend I used to spectate and help out a bit a while back. Took forever on his turns and often missing plays because of it.

Some people need more time.


As you say Gnomes: its just a form of mind game
I hate it too, and find it very rude, and HS has no mechanic to stop it, but if it pisses folks off enough to concede then it is an effective tool some Jerks are willing to use.

Best defense, be patient and kill their smirking, rope burning faces!!

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Who remembers rope-coach xD

I was playing this one guy who had some kind of auto-clicker on his hero power. He was playing Warrior and from the very start I thought he was continuously clicking his hero power to try and taunt me by saying ā€˜iā€™m here but not doing jackā€™ - as the game progressed, he was milling cards, missing turns and doing NOTHING other than tapping hero power - I soon realized what was going on and screen recorded and sent to Blizz -Donā€™t know what happened to them and never got a reply from Blizzard support to at least acknowledge my message.

unfortunately they wonā€™t tell you even if they do actually do something

not sure why tbh

if it was up to me I would go full-on name and shame policy. best policy for discouraging bad behavior people want to inflict 1-1 to someone else

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People send messages in Morse code because they canā€™t chat. Did you see what he said?

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I believe that the ability to delay a turn every time on the move is an omission that allows players to abuse it. If developers truly oppose negative user experiences, they must take action to ensure that these abuses do not go unpunished.


Take your time

Youā€™ve got a whole 90 seconds before the rope eventually burns down and you pass your turn. Take some time to think through your available options before playing your cards. You may discover an awesome play you almost overlooked!

Theyā€™re basically telling you that roping isnā€™t bad in their online tutorial.


What annoys me is the people using obvious bots that just click their hero power every 5 seconds or whatever.

I agree, but this most likely concerns the beginning of mastering the game, when the player is still versed in the mechanics and he really should think about it. But when you play as a legend against an opponent of the same rank, maybe even with a golden portrait ā€¦ then it is clear that he deliberately delays the move in order to mock the opponent.


Or theyā€™re doing a silly dance of joy to pose for their lone twitch viewer.

Or they went to go grab a snack and/or drink.

Or theyā€™re trying to tell their mom that they canā€™t go out with the garbage right now because theyā€™re playing a game.

Or they were distracted by scantily clad anime girls.

Orā€¦ orā€¦ orā€¦

There are many more things that could actually be happening other than them trying to actively annoy their opponent. Iā€™d wager that most of the time itā€™s not malicious unless they actually know who theyā€™re facing.

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I doubt there are that many people ā€œRunning rope to anger opponentā€. My rope runs A LOT. I canā€™t say that I have ever done it to anger anyone.

Iā€™ve run into ropers and I donā€™t get angry. So weird that so many people blame others for their own emotional state.

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I never concede. But i spam emotes, when i have themā€¦ Roping them backā€¦ Love itā€¦ Taste of successā€¦

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There is a difference. Roping when you have a play, and roping when you have zero mana and zero play.


No there isnā€™t. The intent of the other player is unknown to us. We assume whatever average we see the world as. So if we are cynical we see roping as a negative against us and thus get angry. If we either a) ignore the behavior to play the game or b) acknowledge the perceived bad behaviour and understand internally that kids play this game, weā€™d all be better off. Itā€™s okay to let it go.

Oh, the intent is very clear. Wait 90s and hero power. Repeat several turns. Make all the excuses you want, but we all know what game they are playing, and its rude.


Iā€™m afraid that these types of posts really only feed the people who actually are roping to upset their opponents. Obviously its working if people are mad enough to post on the internet about it with some consistency.

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There are three different types of ropers:

  1. People who rope because they need time to think about their plays.
  2. People who rope because they want to annoy their opponents.
  3. Bots that rope so their owner can get xp.

Most people who play this game seriously rope when there are tough decisions to make (type 1). There is nothing wrong with such people.
People who rope on purpose to annoy their opponents (type 2): Yes, they are annoying but since there is nothing you can do to stop them from roping, try to find something else you can do during their turn. Honestly, I donā€™t meet many of these types because they waste their own time as well as your own so they have to be the self-loathing types.
The third type (bots) arenā€™t really a big deal from a competitive standpoint. Youā€™ll win the game most of the time unless itā€™s a well-designed bot playing a deck favored against you (I have yet to meet such a bot). For these matches, alt-tab out during the botā€™s turn and do something else. Make sure you can hear game sounds so you know when itā€™s your turn again.