Plague DK Plagues

I just played a game where I put 18 plagues in my opponents deck and they drew one all game. This is not uncommon for me. I’m pretty sure it’s been said before on here, and I get that RNG is RNG and I’m sure some of you “HaVE neVER hAd ThIS PROblem” but seriously - something is up.

There needs to be a card added or something that guarantees plague draws - maybe even like a Warlock’s curse where one auto draws next turn. So many games my opponents draw pretty much none of them.

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I’ve seen a lot of people claiming that plagues are rigged and opponents never draw them. That pissed me off.
I started playing the deck myself. I recover each game replay and document it on a google sheet I’ll share when I’ll have around 30 games. In it I list every draw my opponents make after the first plague enters their decks and I calculate the odds of them drawing plagues or not. In both unitary and cumulative aspects.

I don’t have an efficient way to write the stats down so it takes me time but from 7 documented games out of 19, I have the stats for 71 draws so far and there’s nothing alarming. On one hand I have 3 games where my opponent never drew a plague, but they never had even 50% chance to draw one at those times. On the other hand I have some pretty lucky plagues draw for the rest of the games and 2 incredibly lucky (for me) games where they drew a ton of them in a row.

This is an easy way to prove the decks are manipulated. Same with bomb shuffles:

when the odds start approaching 80% plus that they should start pulling something like a plague or a bomb and they consistently keep drawing non plague/bomb cards…you are most likely playing a manipulated game.

Make sure to record these games.

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The problem is that I think… When a plague enters the opponent’s deck… it shuffles it every time… so plagues can easily land on the bottom of it you already put in or in the middle of it… But I can’t feel sorry for them because there are ways they can put too many into the enemies deck and becomes an armed time bomb.

Abysal curses are much more different… thats for sure… they are progressive and put into the hand of the enemies… not into it’s deck. Still hate them tough as well…

Ofcourse the game is manipulated… thats how it can force the players for a 50% win rate… no one is that stupid I hope to believe that many "accidents’ are real which amount this game have. :smiley:


Everyone saying the exact same thing, but blizzard will claim it’s not broken

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You do realize you are just describing normal probabilities ?
If I play 4 games in a row where my opponent didn’t draw a single plague, and in each game the final probability was they had only 20% chance of not drawing a single plague, it was a 1/600 chances that none of them drew one
Which can and will happen in a normal game. In fact you cajn expect that to happen every 600 times a plague DK player runs 4 games in a row which is pretty often.
From my current 7 games I have 2 40% of them not wrawing a single plague and a 8%
2 40% in 7 games is perfectly average
1 8% in 7 games is unlucky. The average would be 1 out of 12 games
But that’s perfrectly normal to have these. A low probability doesn’t mean it’s impossible, just that it would be unlucky

I’m not rigged don’t worry, I’ll make stats on every single game I can (I just don’t record when plagues are shuffled in MY deck)

Unless your opponent sorted their deck, shuffling doesn’t do anything with the odds of drawing a plague.

If they have 3 cards in deck including 1 plague, it’s 1/3 for the plague to be on top
If I had another one, it’s 2/4 for a plague to be on top, regardless of the order of the cards before the shuffling

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Not really. And if 1/600 odds are hitting people across the board in these situations that frequently…that’s fishy.

What is not really ? DK players playing ?
1/600 odds are expected to hit 1/600 times
If you have 600 players playing 10 dk games a day, you will have several of them not having their opponent draw a plague for 4 games in a row, as expected
But only those players will report an issue with the deck
The 5900 players that have average outcomes will not come on the forum to say that everything is fine

According to Hsreplay, since last patch, there’s already 5 000 plague games played, and that’s only games played with the tracker on for the last 20 hours

(of course 1/600 is specific to a given scenario, that’s not the absolute odd related to not drawing a plague ever)

The 1/600 occurrence, which you should have seen if you read the EMPHASIZED part of the quote.

And that’s if everything is working as it should, which it isn’t (as many people have pointed out over the years). This is just a really easy way to demonstrate (and for people to test) how the manipulation of decks work, especially in something with a smaller deck pool to start, like duels.

It’s something that a couple people can replicate in different modes by challenging a friend, playing against randoms, etc.

Of course, I’m using that stat as an example of 4 games where the odd of the opponent not drawing a single plague is 20% in the end.
So (0.2)^4 which is roughly equal to 1/600

But keep in mind that this is only for games where they draw 0 plague
If the ydraw a single one you are out of the scenario

If really think people are biased when they play that deck. They expect plagues to be drawn each turn for ever and ever but that’s not what should happen.

Here’s a capture of stats of my longest game so far :
with replay link :

After I played the first plague in their deck, they drew 27 cards. Only 6 of them were plagues.
For a single draw, they never had more than 20% chance of drawing a plague, even when they had 6 plagues in the deck, which is low
You can see that they didn’t draw a single plague for their 11 first draws, which is huge. I got a bit unlucky there, only a 25% chance scenario.

But at one point they also drew 2 plagues in a row, which was only a 3% chance scenario
But the average player won’t realize the odds
They will just remember “the only drew 2 plagues after 11 draws, only 6 plagues out of 27 cards drawn, this is rigged”
Even though the outcome is pretty normal

(The lucky/unlucky column in my stats is not the goal of it it’s just an imperfect indicator. It’s just a 50/50 check of the previous sequence)

the good old "believe me because i say so and only because i say so! you are stupid if you think for yourself! "

no idea why these guys thinks they should be believed with zero proof

Read the op. This is a bad faith argument that gets brought up WAY too often in these discussions:

op or another poster makes reasonable point A, such as:

Such as pointing out that only drawing ONE plague in a situation where the odds clearly indicate drawing more is obviously a reasonable statement.

Then someone comes along and twists their posts into something along the lines of:

Then suddenly the discussion gets shifted to “lolz, op expects to get ok through drawing every plague, how funny!”

Not actually bothering to read the original argument, which was:

Nowhere was op expecting plague draws “each turn for ever and ever.” While she does discuss the possibility of a card that forces plague draws, that is a different discussion (still not the “each turn for ever and ever”). But when the 1/600 occurrence happens more frequently than it should (like we both agreed), something funny is going on.

And it’s almost like I literally posted that this is an easily replicated and recordable experiment! That can be done with plagues, bomb shuffles, etc.

And, I literally posted:

But the good old “actiblizz would never hurts us!” is the mainstay of people who come to threads and insist the company can do no wrong, even when there’s decades of evidence they have, and have no true remorse for doing so.

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Yet none of those that claim their opponents never draw plagues are posting actual replays to be believed
And even 1 occurence is not enough to be relevant
That’s why I’m starting to register it by myself and making stats on every single dk game I play
So far I have average games
Games with insane plague draw count
Games with no plague draw

steamcleaner wipes the deck clean, are you sure he did not use one?

Who said you have to believe me… :slight_smile: :wink:

could the issue here be that the game is so fast any turn you miss out on the chip damage and extra effects is one turn too many for another possible draw?? if you can’t force your opponent to draw, this strategy will always be slow and frustrating. just my view, i’m sure all the math in this thread is correct…enough.

Just had another match against a Warlock. At the end of the game they had over 20 plagues in the deck and only drew 4 the entire match.

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Could you share a replay of such examples ?

Can’t do anything about those, unless people post their game if they recorded those.

And good thing I’m talking in the future tense, and encouraging people to do this GOING FORWARD! I literally posted this more than once here, and you go on to do the very thing I’m encouraging people to start doing.

The stats will bear this out, and not just for plagues.

Recording games will show this as well, and can be factored in/out of the data set.