People still play this rigged game?

I swear I see this title for a topic atleast once every two days.

Maybe it wouldnā€™t happen if the game wasnā€™t so rigged?

According to an October 2021 poll, 86% of Republicans support the former president. That means at least 15% of Republicans support Trump and do not question the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

itā€™s even more obvious in battlegrounds. If i had a quarter for every time my opponent did the exact pt damage needed to knock out iā€™d be rich. Iā€™m not talking that last 5-10pts. I mean when you get matched against the guy that does the exact 28pts of damage needed. The reason people donā€™t bother to respond is because they are stating the proof and you donā€™t want to believeā€¦ so whatā€™s the point?

Thatā€™s anecdotal. Not a body of evidence that can be used to make a conclusion.

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Thatā€™s not evidence. As stated directly before me thatā€™s anecdotal and has no place in factual statements.

Control warriors should be removed from the game entirely

Yes we know, its very easy to see also

I think most people with an objective eye know Hearthstone is Rigged in a few ways actually Matchmaking Draw and Discover mechanics are all rigged.

Its why I stopped spending money on this game you can only stay in gold for so long before you close your wallet, the only way your average Joe is going to get to Legend is if they have no other commitments other then work, want to get to Legend Spend 8 hours a day playing, that way with a 70% winrate you might see Legend in 3 months lol

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Yes but it is rigged equally for everyone so i accept it.

If you had said ā€œunbalanced gameā€ I may have found more than trollish interest in this thread.

Good day!


If itā€™s rigged for everyone wouldnā€™t that mean itā€™s not rigged for anyone? XD


Shhhhhh logicā€¦20char


I believe itā€™s ā€œriggedā€ to the extent that the matchmaking takes into account the deck youā€™ve queued with. Yes itā€™s anecdotal but been here since day 1 and itā€™s clear to me that every time i change deck to try and hard counter something that Iā€™m seeing a lot of my opponent type suddenly changes. Got to maintain that 50% win/loss ratio as best they can.


Are these Hearthstone forums simply cursed to gather the tinfoil-hatted who necro threads claiming itā€™s rigged. Just to trigger the same conversation over and over?
I wonder how this difference is caused compared to any other public outlets like any of the HS subreddits or Twitter where I barely ever see these threads pop up.

The game is more likely to end to its age / the best next thing rather than people uncovering you were never meant to be the best player on ladder. Just have fun with it.

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Sadly in this case the memes are stronger than their hosts.

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Blizzard doesnā€™t need to rig matchmaking to maintain a 50% average win rate when there is always 1 winner and 1 loser per match.


And on rare opportunities some people are even doing the work for them and tie :wink:

Its incredibly rigged but what can you do.
At this point i just see it as a challenge for playing with a handicap.

I mean,if you either consistently score 25% or 75% in 50% odds situations over hunderds of games then its really 2 different games that people are playing.


Hard stuck in gold so game must be rigged.

It could also be that youā€™re terrible at the game, but no, lets go with a conspiracy theory to protect the fragile ego.

Maybe let one of the good players here spectate some of your games and figure out how to play the game betterā€¦ or donā€™t.

Edit: To be clear, I donā€™t consider myself to be one of the good players here.


Surely youā€™re joking, trying woosh somebody.

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