People still play this rigged game?

Unfortunately, these people aren’t joking.

They really are conspiracy theory loving illogical and irrational people. Facts and evidence do not matter to them as has been demonstrated on these very forums seemingly countless times.


Feel free to show me some facts and evidence that the game isnt rigged.

The burden of proof is on the side of the game is rigged crowd i do agree with that to some extend. But noone of the game is not rigged crowd has ever shown any facts and evidence that it is not rigged.

Go dig in the forums and do your own research. There’s hundreds upon hundreds of posts. I’m not digging through thread after thread doing the work for you, it’s exhausting having to do it month after month. And if you don’t want to do the homework, then here’s a spoiler alert for you: No one, ever, has been able to prove the game is rigged and all evidence points to the contrary. I just saved you hours upon hours of work. If you don’t believe me, now would be the time to do said homework yourself.


No, it doesn’t.

Hearthstone matchmaking is based on MMR and Rank. While you still have the star-bonus multiplier (not the win streak doubler), you are matched by internal MMR. Once you’ve exhausted that multiplier, you are matched based on your Rank. At Legend, you are matched based on MMR.

The matchmaking system only considers Rank and MMR. It doesn’t look at deck composition or win streak or loss streak or P2W or F2P or whether you brushed your teeth this morning. Just MMR and Rank.

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What evidence would you accept as suggesting the game isn’t rigged?

You don’t get to make a claim with no evidence then tell people to prove you wrong. You have to bring the evidence to back your claim.


I’ll also add that lack of proof that the game isn’t rigged does not count as proof that the game is rigged.


Yeah, sort of. I mean, I don’t know if it’s a curse if I happen to enjoy having the same conversation over and over. Your mileage may vary.


feel free to show me the evidence that donkeys don’t speak human languages when they are by themselves.

you can’t prove a negative.

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I’m with you. I like calling these people out every time they scream RIGGED! It’s easy, free entertainment.


Let’s say we’re considering the statement “all sasquatch have brown hair.” No matter how many brown-haired sasquatch we observed, those observations would never PROVE that all sasquatch have brown hair. Sure, the first thousand, or million, or billion may all have had brown hair, but the next might be blonde. However, it only takes a single observation of a blonde sasquatch to disprove “all sasquatch have brown hair” to the observer; if that observation was independently verifiable, it would disprove it to anyone interested.

Disproving the claim that rigging doesn’t exist would take only a single actually confirmed case. But proving that rigging doesn’t exist is impossible under the rules of logic. It’s proving a negative, it’s impossible to prove, it’s only possible to disprove.

That’s why I say that one fundamentally misunderstands the term “atheist” if one thinks an atheist is someone who is sure there is no god. There is no reasonable position of being certain that there is no God; it’s acting as if one has proven a negative. You can’t prove that Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy don’t exist either, but you’re a complete sucker if you believe that any of them do. So you shouldn’t have to prove that these things don’t exist to make the argument that one is a complete sucker for believing in them, and atheism says theists are complete suckers for believing in the existence of Gods even though no atheist can prove God cannot exist.

Bringing this back to your question: you’re setting up a false equivalency. The standards for the side of an argument saying a thing exists, and standards for the side that says a thing doesn’t exist, are NOT SYMMETRICAL. There is ZERO RELEVANCE to asking what evidence someone would accept to prove that rigging doesn’t exist, because there is no evidence that would be valid to prove that. But the burden of proof is never, ever, on the side arguing for nonexistence. It is always, always on the side arguing for existence.

I say that rigging doesn’t exist. This doesn’t mean I KNOW it to be true; I say it in the spirit of a challenge. But until and unless that challenge is met, people who believe rigging exists are suckers conning themselves. And that’s literally all I have to do, and all I have to prove. ALL of the burden of evidence is on THEM. I’m not on offense; I’m on defense.


I am here to present evidence that rigging does indeed exist in Hearthstone.

Prepare to be amazed:


Yes Hearthstone has had clear rigging in it since GvG as shown in the card Salty Dog and a few other Pirate Cards. All this time people were referring to rigging as it applies to boats.


I’m having a harrrrd time believing you.

Just a matter of time before a Pirate is introduced with a voice line of “It’s Rigged!..the Ship, that is!”


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I know the game is rigged. I still play it. Call me a masochist. For the people saying prove it, I don’t have to prove anything to you. You want to live in fairytale land that’s on you.

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I like to add that lack of proof the game is rigged does not count as proof that the game isn’t rigged. I can do this all day with these mental midgets.


You are paranoid; therefore, no amount of reason will break through your delusions.

This game is not rigged. It’s a silly, childish delusion.


This isn’t exactly true. You can prove some negatives. For example given the set of people with only blonde hair and the set of people with only black hair, I can prove mathematically that there are no people from set A or set B in the intersection of A,B.

Likewise you can mathematically prove that hypotheses about rigging are incorrect, if a given hypothesis includes specific assertions that would result in measurable outcomes (which many do).

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I mean, I could run around and say the moon has a jumpy castle on the dark side. You can’t prove me wrong. So I must be right.