People still play this rigged game?

yall know its rigged right?


Can you prove it ?


People know its rigged, the veteran players have just accepted it and keep playing, the game is fun but people need to understand its also rigged, i just tried zoo warlock and i faced 5 control warriors in row im not even kidding LOL


Game is actually fun if you can put yourself in ignorant mode.


Ah yes… the classic “it’s obvious” proof.


The matchmaking adjusting to your deck is all the prove we need, tried zoo warlock and i faced 5 control warriors in row, dont think iv seen more then 1 control warrior in every 50 games with other decks in past month and then i play zoo and i get 5 control warriors in row rofl nice algorithms blizzard


That doesn’t happen.

That’s not nearly enough data to make that conclusion.


I have data like this from years of experience, no matter what deck you play the game manages to find you a counter even if its a deck that literally no one plays.

The easiest trick to see the matchmaking rigged is the ooze test, add double ooze and you wont see shamans anymore or weapon rogues.

Another easy test is playing a miracle priest the game will que you versus missile hero power mages mostly, and then you switch to lets say to a kazakusan druid for example and all these mages are gone and you dont see them anymore

Or you can try play aggro decks and suddenly all these kazakusan druids disappear from the meta and it turns into priest and mage meta :smiley:


I love when people come onto the forums to post nonsense like this then never respond to anyone.


Yup and when you ask for proofs (or at list good evidence) your choice :

  • You get ignored
  • It’s obvious
  • I played 5 games and switched and got countered.



I have played tens of thousands of games, the 5 control warriors in row playing zoo is perfect example what the matchmaking does if you win too much

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I did too and I didn’t see what you saw, that’s your point of view against mine.

Since you guys are absolutely not able to give us some proofs of a rigged match up, let’s make a vote. Stupid conspirationists against the others.

I vote against the stupid conspiracy.


Zoo Warlock?

Good joke, pal.

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Yes i tried it for boredom and i went 11-3 and then it gave me 5 control warriors in row to drop my winrate down

Please share this data, along with the controls you have in place to ensure all variables are controlled. I’m not sure your method is as scientific as you’d need to produce a reliable conclusion.

This could be an interesting test. Go ahead and get 100,000 test samples of this and share the results.

Interesting. Go ahead with 100,000 well controlled samples here as well and let’s review the results.

Good. That’s a good sample size.

Oh wait… so it’s not tens of thousands of samples.

Ah… your sample size is 19. Ok. Good start. Only 99,981 more to go. Keep going.

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I’m 16-7 with frickin Amulet Mage.

When does my rigging kick in?

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It will in no moment assuming youre not at bronze rank, soon it will drop you to 16-16, dont forget to post the pics here when youre back to 55% winrate

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Ok what about the numerous times I reached legend with 70% from D5?

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Dont forget to post the screenshots in a bit when your amulet mage is only facing pirate warriors and lie to yourself that its not rigged

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I can beat Pirate Warriors, you couldn’t think of a better example?