People still play this rigged game?

I think you are going Drax on me.

I think that “Atheist Experience” acted as a trigger for you, without actually taking the context of the thread into account.

And I am guessing this is because you haven’t seen an episode.

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I’m sorry, are you trying to equate whatever rare idiots you could dig up who think 2016 was rigged with the VAST, ridiculous quantity of idiots who believe 2020 was rigged, as championed by their media and politicians to the point they punished anyone who didn’t back the obvious lie and culminating in attempted insurrection?

And while Atheists certainly are not immune to conspiracy, comparing them to the religious is ignoring that only one of those two groups is, BY DEFINITION, believing in the rigged reality.

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We all have to agree at this point at least:

Do you guys notice that when you play slower decks, you tend to face slower decks, when you play fast/aggressive decks, you face aggressive decks.

If you haven’t noticed that at least, then there is literally nothing left to talk about, since that is another very obvious observation.
Using that as a starting point we could say the game recognizes archetypes and possibly even deck win-rates when pitting them against each other. Of course it will not be perfect, but it is obvious enough to notice.

I am not going to say things like $$ might affect your winrate because the company is a flaming pile of crap, currently. Doesn’t feel like this company cares whether you pay or not pay, it is equally bad to all, sigh.
(I bought a portrait bundle like 2 months ago and it gave me the wrong thing, submitted ticket, they told me to post in forums, then my Bug report is just sitting there for a long time with no response.)

I am also sitting here with 566 packs because I have not felt like opening anything for a while now… since the company keeps bumming me out with how they are running things. I still don’t know if I got the packs yesterday since they aPrIl fOolEd us or messed things up with another bug…

P.S. Sorry for the rant, peace out for tonight.

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So you are playing with decks from last year? And you keep spending money on packs that you don’t open?

Or what you haven’t spent on packs since Ben Brode left (just picked a random occurrence, could be anything from around 2017-2018) and also haven’t opened a single pack since? All while doing Quests?

It’s a very obvious observation FOR YOU, and yet, it explicitly contradicts the OP. People on the rigging side argue that you get more counters and some people argue that you get more mirrors. Anyway, they are both wrong because the only thing they’re basing their observation on is observation bias.

Like, seriously, don’t start your point with the " You OBVIOUSLY experience that, right?" Unless you have some heavy data to back it up. I played my take on amulet mage this session and every day, if I had gone by my observations, I would have been in either side of the issue. Thankfully, I can actually track my games and it looks pretty normal to me

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I signed up for that service. I’m not Legend, so I had to pay a $500 application fee, but if I’m accepted. Woohoo! I’ll be awesome at a card game. Cheating.

I can send you a link to the site. Your browser will say it’s dangerous, but it was friendly enough.

lol, i kid, i kid.

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The bundles for the next expansion are out, and I have a bunch of mercenary packs as well and many other types of packs. I am basically “hate-buying” because I don’t like how a lot of things are in the game right now, but I keep hoping there is a new management that get things back on track for the game.

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I was vague simply to trigger you, when I said

Yes, I absolutely was speaking in the terms of anecdotes. Why?

Here’s why.

A customers EXPERIENCE is all that matters.

I don’t CARE if you bought the best ingredients and hired the best chefs at your restaurant if the experience was total garbage. Cold food, poor wait staff, forgotten drinks.

Yes yes, on PAPER the restaraunt should be Michelin rated. BUT the EXPERIENCE SUCKS.

So, when people come here to vent that they put 2 oozes in their deck after facing 20 weapons classes in a row and then magically stopped seeing any weapons after adding the oozes…

Take your data, print it out, twist that 8.5" x 11" paper up REAL TIGHT and then…

You should stop focusing on “big brains” and try and please the people who pay for this game.

Make the game fun.

Hey, maybe in order to make it fun they SHOULD “rig” it, TO BE FUN.

Edit: Seriously…

How about the games algorithm says “Hmmm, this person has coincidently played 50 Druids in a row, lets change that”

Would that make you mad if the game “artificially” changed opponent types?

Fine, the game ISNT RIGGED. Fine… now I’m thinking maybe they SHOULD add more filters to their data sorting and algorithms.

There are a couple you missed, but you’re correct that they are all the same person on alts.

I challenged them to prove me wrong in another thread and they all disappeared.

Prove us wrong. Prove you are not the same person.

I hope you’re not talking about me.

I have 1 other ALT and I don’t skip back and forth and use them simultaneously, in case you were wondering.

That’s not analogous. A better example would be going to that fine restaurant and ordering a dish that contains, say, cilantro. Unbeknownst to you, you are one of those people who has an unusual allergic intolerance for cilantro (I am one of those people). When the food comes, it tastes like soap (that’s what the allergy does). But instead of trying to understand what’s really happening, you begin a campaign claiming that the restaurant is trying to poison people by putting detergent in the food.

Have you played 50 Druids in a row? Because that’s not happening.

Yes. That would be a poor design choice. This morning I faced 4 consecutive DH’s. By the 4th one, it was a bit annoying. But no… don’t force a change just because I hit a rare streak of an opposing class.



Sometimes you have to tell the kids the Easter Bunny is real or they just wont shut up.

And would you look at that!

One of the leading peddlers of the Hearthstone rigging conspiracy theory just outed themselves as a follower of the 2020 candidate who was peddling rigging conspiracy theories.

It’s almost as if they had been predisposed to believe in rigging conspiracy theories in general.


According to a December 2021 poll, about 70% of self-identified Republicans doubt the legitimacy of the 2020 election. That’s an alarming result, but it is not 100%. I don’t think it’s quite fair to make an accusation like that with only 70% certainty.

Complete aside to your well stated analogy, but is the cilantro soap gene actually an allergy? I mean, I detest the taste, but that’s the only effect it’s ever had for me. But I know some allergies can first present as sensitivities that progress, and since I’ve been avoiding it, I might just be bypassing the progression part… Huh.

It is not rigged ppl make mistakes they dont even know they make and in muligan as well. that cost them games i was the same i got me a coach i improved and gues what i hit legend because i improved and now i do it on a regurlar basis and now my new goal is to my improve my legend mmr u see i am stil learning.

Ugh. Here comes a defense of the indefensible.

Food temperature is a statistic, not an opinion. The time since a waiter last checked in on a table is a statistic, not an opinion. You’re acting as if experience is fundamentally subjective, when it is not. It’s a mix of things that are objectively measurable and things that aren’t.

… they’re imagining things. Because we measured the temperature of the food and it was objectively not cold, and we measured the time since a waiter was last at the table and it wasn’t a long time. Just because you’re complaining doesn’t mean your complaint is legitimate.

Pure raw anti-intellectualism. Pathetic.

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Very intellectual…

I didn’t say they were a Republican.

I said that they support the former president.

Or are you claiming that one cannot be a Republican, in April 2022, without supporting the former president?

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Yes we know the game is rigged, why do you keep telling somethng everyone knows already?