People still play this rigged game?

Your post is pure lies, as I said.

Feel free to prove me wrong. I know you won’t. I’m not worried.

But let’s have everyone see you fail.

I reached out to you. I was hoping we could talk.

Clearly that won’t happen. I am sorry.

Ultimately I won’t win. We both know that. I was hoping that we could talk and understand each other more but you have sold yourself and that is ok. I get it.

Anyways man. You have your job and I have my game. I am just sad we couldn’t talk.

I’ve sold nothing, and this isn’t a job.

Exposing trolls and frauds is a personal passion.

Thanks for giving up before even trying to prove your case, thereby proving mine.


I get it. I do. I am not getting paid for this so you will win. We both know that.

I was hoping we could talk.

Again that won’t happen. I am guessing you are desperate for your old position back. I hope you get it. If I could help in that regard, ask and I will help, srs.

With that said. We both know you are lying. You lie because you “choose to believe” but it is still lies.

You’re still lying when calling me a paid shill.

I have never lied about you.

We are not the same.


Gee, he didn’t think you were sincere about that invitation, I wonder why?


You’re right we aren’t and never were. I have only ever tried to help the community while you have trolled and bullied anyone who you disagreed with. Blizz rescinded your green text because of how out of line you have been. I have tried to simply support others. We are definitely not the same.

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This is kinda sad, NGL. Stooping to lies like some Mexican drama villain over unseen support of strangers is kinda pathetic


Ultimately it comes down to this. Is the game rigged? Probably, but not in the way people think. Is there proof? Nope. Yet, millions of unique accounts have come to question this. It has been asked over and over and over. Is that proof? Nope but it sure does lend itself to questioning doesn’t it? Yes sir!

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Is the game rigged ?
Do people who spend money enjoy better rng ?
Are there paid blizzard shills on the forums ?

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I dont know i am just asking questions!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

This sums up the problem nicely.

You believe the game is rigged, but don’t know how. You’re even saying that others who believe it’s rigged are wrong about how it’s actually rigged, EVEN THOUGH you have no idea yourself.

The confidence, bravo sir.

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I’m all for asking questions btw. I wouldn’t want to keep playing a rigged game that makes me lose. I would love to see threads dedicated to trying to prove the game is actually rigged too.

For example, someone recently made a thread about Arena mode being rigged against those using free tickets. Well I play about 1-2 arena runs every expansion. I have a LOT of tickets. I haven’t spent a dime in many years and yet I can’t recall ever ending a run with zero wins. So what’s the deal? Is this person just a salty loser or is there something worth testing?

Or we can just test RNG in general. Pick a card with a very high win rate that can be discovered by something. Then play the card dozens of times and record the results. Have both people who spend money and don’t do the same.

If you don’t like that example pick another testable aspect of RNG and then actually test it.

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define rigged

does everyone who gambles win the big prize?

im sure there must be at least one

maybe you are the paid shill DUNDUNDUN!!!

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They laid off the last guy who was paid to post here in 2018. Now there isn’t a community manager assigned to the forum.

Doesn’t make Jesse a shill, though.

We can end the thread now.


This is yet another troll post from you.

This does not help the community.

Defending the developer all the time, Mountaineer, doesn’t help either.


Tell me you netdeck without telling me. I stand by my statement. You can 100% test this with arena and see.

You say that as if there are negative connotations around it. There are not. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in utilising already refined decks, especially considering how fast the refinement process is nowadays. Personally, I use a combination of my own builds (usually at the beginning of a new set/miniset release or immediately after a balance patch), and decks that the community/data aggregation sites have refined over the course of an unfolding meta.

I don’t have anything against players who want to use only their own builds and continue to use only their own builds after a meta has settled and we have data showing us what the best decks are, but it isn’t for me. I’m not the kind of person to hammer a screw when screwdrivers exist. For some players, the deck builder is the main part of the game, for others, the gameplay is the main part, nothing wrong with either.

As far as the post of mine you responded to goes, yeah, your comment “just about everyone who netdecks is of pretty much the same skill.” was an awful take. The vast majority of Diamond 5 are playing the same lists as the top 1000 players, and I can assure you, if a player who’s rank normalised in the D1-5 range played 100 games against a player who’s rank normalised at T1K with the same set of tier 1 and 2 decks, there would be a huge bias in win rate favouring the higher ranked player.


They aren’t the same skill though. You can’t say someone who created microwaves is on the same skill level as the guy who used it to heat up a hot pocket.