People still play this rigged game?

You’re thinking of a variation of “proof by assertion”

I mean, it doesn’t change anything. The argument is illogical no matter what it’s called. I do appreciate you turning me onto logical fallacies I’m unaware of. :slight_smile:

“Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction and refutation.”

This is the definition I found upon Googling. You’re right in that these players certainly partake in the above. I think the argument from incredulity is a closer fit to the argument “it’s obvious”. I’ll restate the definition below for clarity.

“Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity, appeal to common sense, or the divine fallacy, is a fallacy in informal logic . It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one’s personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine.”

Everyone makes incorrect decissions all the time. Its not about those incorrect decissions,its about the game punishing you for those incorrect decissions.

Not all incorrect decissions get punished. You can make many objectively bad decissions without getting punished,in a game like hs you can even get rewarded for making bad decissions.

And the opposite is also true,you can be punished by the game for making the right decission.

I may have missed it, and if so sorry. How are players being punished?

30 card deck 6 card combo which 2 of the cards are duplicates…pretty easy to get in any other card game I play. I am not going to post almost all of my games here. If you can’t see the rigged set up then you either don’t play a lot or you are just in denial…I have probably played an average of 4 to 5 games a day since november 2013 and I see this nonsense all the time…like 95% or better. This game was so much better when it was in cardboard format instead of digital.

Is rigging player-specific? I haven’t noticed anything strange myself. I am wondering if because I have spent money if the algorithm doesn’t affect me?

I make mistakes and then still win. So it is rigged allright.

its rigged to a certain extent i have played for years as a legend player if you get on and lets say have 11 wins and 3 loses for the day the game starts to think he needs to lose so you have a 50% winrate or as close to that as the game can get you so you keep playing moreif everyone hit legend 2 days after expansion no one would play anymore so they try to keep you in a loop so you keep playing no proof but just my experience over the years

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So your proof the game is rigged is that it gets harder to win the higher your rank? What do you think ranked matchmaking is supposed to do? The entire known purpose of any ranked system is to get you matched up with equally skilled opponents not to feed you easy wins.


The entirety of “game is rigged” belief hinges upon having real experiences interacting with the game, and then utterly failing at diagnosing what systems under the hood create those experiences. For the most part, it’s “randomness makes me feel bad so I’m going to blame that on a lack of randomness.”

Randomness is cheap and easy to program and it’s not always a good thing. It’s okay to blame randomness. It deserves some blame.

That is the craziest thing since 99/100 players just netdeck in this game which leaves very little for skill since just about everyone who netdecks is of pretty much the same skill.

M o l t e n T a k e .


i gonna stop playing too because the game is like unbalanced .

i was back in the game because they was giving cards but there is no point for me to stay because i got pissed off by many decks unbeatable , dh aggro , paladin aggro .

i not advice to play the game right now if your new and want to try the game it is not pleasant at all .

the game is not rigged but unbalanced .

Millions of unique users say the same thing… questioning that something about the game just doesn’t feel right… something seems a bit, off perhaps?

Millions of unique accounts have come to these forums saying the same thing. There are a dozen forum regulars who bash and scream about this. The same dozen people v millions of unique accounts.

I am not saying aliens. But. Aliens.

List please.

My point is that it’s not even a thousand.

So people, keep that in mind. Literally millions of unique accounts have been coming here for years saying the same thing. Something just doesn’t feel right… odd that?

A dozen forum regulars are on constant vigil defending against such vile accusations.

I am not saying aliens. But. Aliens.


I don’t see millions claiming rigged I see the same few making screaming rigged with nothing more than anecdotal accounts of a tiny sample size of 1 part of a game that didn’t go their way. It’s like saying you flipped a coin once and it came up tails and then calling the coin rigged and always landing on tails because it happened once on 1 flip 1 time.


Millions of unique accounts, not users.

Also, source?

This forum has never had millions of users, let alone millions saying the same thing. I’d estimate that there were about twenty or so new user posts on rigging per year.

And not —ONE— of you has ever shown evidence.

All you have is lies.


This is pure lies. You know it is pure lies. I am seriously disappointed.

I can only guess you are trying to get your old position back, wow.

Pure, absolute lies.