People still play this rigged game?

Just because someone knows how to build a race car doesn’t mean they are the best at driving the race car.

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There is no other useless comment than a “Is there a proof?” in this thread and it makes me laugh every time I see it. I can even understand licking the bottom of the devs to a point but asking for proof to people who claim that RNG is rigged, is text-book stupidity.

Let me give you an IRL example. Nancy Pelosi bought loads of NVIDIA stock right before it went to the moon. Everybody knows that is not possible without insider info, but it is somewhat legal and she did it. It still doesn’t mean that is the correct thing to do. Is there proof for insider trading whisper? No. Does everyone know what happened? Yes. I rest my case, you keep defending a corporation that was proven many times how corrupt it is inside.

What kind of proof can anyone provide anyway? Can everyone reach the source codes of the game? No… Blizzard rightfully does not share it. So, what are you looking for? Do you expect people to record every game to prove their points? lol

Believe what you want to believe, you won’t be able to change anyone’s mind but the majority of games in my personal experience, are being thrown away by weird RNG moments in BGs. It almost feels like the game doesn’t want me to move forward after a certain point. I Don’t have any idea about the other gameplay modes as I play none of them anymore.

I also don’t know why I still care about this game to be fair. It is my problem… They are constantly making Hearthstone BGs a worse mode anyway, after every single patch. If I could find a better casual-friendly game that I can still play while working on my 2nd monitor, I would leave it right away.

PS: Oh my dude, bringing up an early-game fast-paced meta to a strategical mode on an auto-battler game… I don’t know who came up with this brilliant idea but please give him/her a gold medal and make him/her know how special that person is. Many available heroes are trash again, many available races are trash again. There are many heroes to play, and a lot of races to go for but only 1 or 2 of them are being used. What a logical climax moment for the HS.

Given adequate sample size of your games, you can pull up your tracker data for certain period of time and compare the % of times you were matched against a certain class to the VS data about the frequency of that class on the ladder

If there is a discrepancy, you can claim it’s rigged, if not, you can’t claim it.

Pretty easy actually.

Nah you just do like Donald Trump and cry rigged any time you lose. Everyone have 110% win rate everywhere and if you don’t win it’s rigged obviously. Can’t be any other reason.


No, it’s played entirely by bots.

If you’re referring to the recent verdict, that definitely will be thrown out on appeal. Trump was done dirty there.

If you’re referring to the 2020 election, okay, great joke, no complaints from me.

In the fever-dreams of people with no legal training.