People still play this rigged game?

Due to the matchmaking patent Activision Blizzard games will always be targeted by the “rigged” hypothesis. I don’t blame anyone for believing it either. Some occurrences are so unlikely and yet happen. Many matches seem to factor in the class and or deck you’re using. While I don’t personally ascribe this to that matchmaking is nefariously rigged myself again I find it very understandable. And again that patent will haunt all MMOs this company releases and has released.

I can only really say that it is possible there’s more going on than we know. I believe matchmaking is designed earnestly but maybe it isn’t. I believe human psychology plays a massive role in these cases. Lastly this company’s reputation further lends to this belief. If Activision Blizzard will do X and Y well why not Z? This may not be necessarily logical but it influences the way players think.

That’s kind of the point though. Some people will say “it’s rigged to favor players who spend money” and now you are saying “no, it’s rigged to keep people close to 50% win rate”.

What makes you right and them wrong?

True, but I don’t see how a “forced 50% win rate” lines up with the patent. If 95% of the rigged crowd were all shouting the same message, they might be on to something. The fact that so many people have made so many different accusations, all of which happen to revolve around them having lost, makes it hard for me to take any of them seriously.

Pick a game, any game. Any competitive online game that matches people against other people have these complaints. There are people that just can’t conceive they could lose fairly in whatever manner they lost. Lose against a bad matchup and it won’t phase them, but when they queue into other people playing the same popular deck that day and continue to lose, now it’s suddenly a conspiracy to keep them from reaching legend or something.

100% and it honestly wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. The greed is real.

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If you were to visit the Overwatch 2 forums you’d see this as well. The patent is always brought up and matchmaking is rigged to sell skins. Overwatch 2 is an FPS and so players generally don’t see their skin during gameplay. Skins don’t provide any gameplay benefit. And, yet people run with it to attribute their losing to rigging. I believe this is especially an issue for Activision Blizzard games because of that patent and recent allegations and lawsuits. No one trusts this company which makes believing that matchmaking is rigged that much easier.

I think the best way to look at this is that similarly “skilled” players are matched against one another. Skill being determined by MMR which is determined by wins and losses. It doesn’t sound so crazy when you put it that way.

Well there is many different ways to rig the game and many different potential motives for doing so.

The “game is not rigged” crowd had a very narrow vieuw of rigging. Considering only the most rediculous and silly way to rig a game. And then projecting that vieuw on the “game is rigged” crowd and mocking them for it.

So the “game is rigged” crowd had to specify their rigging claims and thats how we ended up with these many different believes of how the game could be rigged.

The “It’s rigged” crowd have such a broad view of rigged that everything falls under the rigged umbrella. Considering the most rediculous and silly ways the game is rigged and then projecting that view on the “it’s not rigged” crowd.

The “it’s rigged” crowd doesn’t even specify any type of recording to show any of their alleged rigging happening. It’s only their exaggerated word clouded by tilt and confirmation bias of they are rigged upon and that’s how we end up with the “not rigged” crowd calling out the BS.

Its not so much about beeing right or wrong.

But based on general principles and common sense the its rigged crowd is right.

The its rigged crowd is open to the idea that they might be wrong,and/or they are open to the idea that they do not know for sure.

The its not rigged crowd however is not open to the idea that they might be wrong. They are not open to the idea that they dont really know. They know 100% sure that they are correct and that the other side is wrong.

For this reason alone it is very likely that the its rigged crowd is correct.

Though in all fairness. Some its not rigged people do have a more reasonable aproach. Admitting that they dont know either and simply sticking with the lack of proof from the rigged crowd.


No, they are NOT. If they were they would put in some effort to gather evidence of their claims, but instead they pass that task on to the other side.

The its not rigged side is more accurately the side that is open to being wrong. They just want some sort of evidence provided to them. Anecdotal evidence, without even deck tracker logs, is all we are ever given by the “its rigged” crowd.


I will just concede this point. We are in different worlds.

Difference is, my world is based in reality. Take the red pill!

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The reality of the world is difficult to see.

Taking the red pill wont make you see “the” reality. It will make you see a different “reality”
This was hinted upon towards the end of the trilogy. Where the underground city is described as just another level of control. Another level of illusion.

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Yet the “its rigged” crowd constantly claim its easy to see…

I mean, you could say that.
It’s wrong, but you could say that.

If the rigged crowd knew anything about common sense and general principles, first thing they would do is disbelieve their own senses because they would know what bias is.

They also would understand statistical analysis.





past tense: rigged; past participle: rigged

  1. manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to gain an advantage.

“charges of vote-rigging”

Let’s use this Oxford dictionary definition to confirm that the MMR system is not rigging, as MMR matchmaking is managed in a way that is specifically designed to NOT give an advantage to anyone.

This is false. We are perfectly open to the idea that there might be rigging to some degree, but since no one can provide a shred of evidence to back the claim, and that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, there is no sense in blindly accepting the claim.

Anyone who believes their Hearthstone matchmaking experience differs from the millions of games worth of data we have available to us from third party software and reports, and asserts their perceived experience as fact, has the burden of proof placed on them lest their assertion may be dismissed. Proof is all we are asking for if you want us to change our beliefs.


That’s a whole lot of arrogance. You just proved his point and you don’t even know it hahaha. You are delusional.

I think by now it’s established that you yourself have no idea about it :slightly_smiling_face: kinda cringe if you ask me - going from topic to topic saying people have no idea about how statistics and variance work, while having no idea about it yourself :rofl: yikes…


Cool, but I didn’t
20 characters

That was an amazing comeback hahahahaha. Kind of 3rd gradeish.

The matching is impartial. I would swear to it.
But I don’t believe it is strictly random.

i would say the RNG make it so. (often at times i feel the game is rigged idd)

i played some match ups a few days ago and i lost 6-7 games in a row with the RNG totally against me with my winrate 64% dropping down in standard ranked. wish i could prove it but i guess everyone has a moment of being triggered so i simply deleted the deck and remade it and continue and ofc does not work with the RNG stil being against me.

yea it was annoying as hell when you play well and you stil lose which does make it feel like it is rigged. and now i simply stopped ranking up because no point in progressing if i get chain losses.

I figurd it out. The “It’s rigged” people are all rigged to be self-centered sore losers. Thats the common denominator of why they are the only ones rigged and never any of their random opponents. It’s not that Blizzard is singling them out for rigging it’s all in their head that they are being targeted by a rigging conspiracy that seems to only effect them and no one else. I have the solution the almighty Wonderful Tin Foil Hat. The WTF Hat blocks out your brain waves and prevents all kind of online gaming rigging. Order your WTF hat today and never be rigged again.