People still play this rigged game?

Once you’ve been skimming posts here for a while, and you see the thousandth game is rigged post, and you’ve become aware that there is all this game data collected and published that would make it trivial to validate game is rigged theories… you come to see that people are being lazy.

I like to teach my kid to think for himself, and use his curiousity to investigate. Not just assert.

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Forgive my asking, but have you introduced your kids to religion?

They’re aware of religions. My partner is (vaguely) religious, I’m not.

that’s not how you supposed to play Hangman. (and not that)



That’s an Hearthstone card.

The journey is funnier than the destination :slightly_smiling_face:

i honestly wouldnt be surprised if most of the enemies you play against are actually bots owned by blizz themselves, like youre just playing vs the hearthstone computer and youll sometimes be matching against a version of it that ALWAYS has the perfect deck to counter you and will draw miracle draws to keep your win rate at 50%

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Have you seen the Blizzard Ai. It is very dumb. Even with a perfect counter deck it would screw up and be an easy free win for you. Do you think they spent the time to make a smarter AI rather than recycling the AI from Adventures and Dungeon Runs.

Ai is the future so yes i do think blizzard does spend a lot of resources on it. And so does their parent company microsoft.

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Ofc it’s rigged, it’s been known for years.
But we still got these blizzfans who always try to defend them :rofl::see_no_evil::man_shrugging:


theres a mandatory 50% win rate in this game so yes, some games youre going to win no matter what

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Let this topic rest in peace :sob:

the problem is the only evidence people will accept is blizzard admitting its rigged. so the conversation has devolved into “it’s obvios”

lol you understand that is on purpose right, have to match the player base. people have made SC AI that can beat the best players in the world. making a AI good at hearthstone would actually be very easy.

Dude necroes the thread to post the coldest take I’ve ever seen.

What happens if I’m trying to lose, lmao. What happens if I throw the game and never attack or play a spell. Does the system reads my mind?

God, you hear everything in these forums.

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And it takes time to make that smart AI which I pointed out in the rest of my post. Never said it was hard said it took time and Time is money do you think they bothered to spend the money instead of recycling the crappy AI.

I think the matching is absolutely impartial. I think it could be better though.

To be fair, the AI never outsmarted players, it just had such perfect unit control (due to having precise knowledge of unit behaviour and near infinite APM) that it could beat max cap of siege tanks with max cap of zerglings or max cap of banelings with a large squad of marines.

No way I’m going to read all these posts, but its the typical one person says something negative about the game and then all the sycophant, fan boys jump on him. “Oh yeah well prove it!”, “You’re just a conspiracy theorist!”, “Another dummy who is just a big dum-dum head!”. The comments that this game is rigged is absolutely true. It may not be “rigged” in the definition most people are latching onto but there is absolutely no doubt the game is weighted to keep matches as close to a 50% win ratio as possible. Doesnt matter your skill. For the people asking for “proof”…even if someone spent forever compiling matches, using what is damn near an infinite number of card combinations, across all the different classes that still wouldnt “prove” anything - at least to the fanboys. You would have to be an insider able to look at code to determine that. You see this on other online platforms. People know something isnt right but cant prove it until there is a whistleblower. Obviously, I’m talking about standard and wild matchups.