People still play this rigged game?

What was this supposed to do?

This isn’t possible.

simply thought of a way to somehow reset it and hopefully win some which ofcourse did not work obviously.

except it is so i stopped and now i just wait for the reset.

It’s either against you, or it’s RNG. It can’t be both.

i guess you dont know what i just said here.

RNG being against me simply saying that i had bad RNG like real bad.

Oh noes,the opponents also get rigged. Is it not in that particular game against me then it is against their next opponent.

They just dont see it. They have taken the blue pill and they are happy with that.
They could take the red pill but why risk it when you are perfectly happy with your blue pill.

The mere existence of the red pill actually scares them and annoys them. Which is understandable,it is perceived as a threat to their blue pill world. A world they dont want to leave.

Tinfoil hat is very bad btw,the last thing you want to do. If will shield your brain from signals but you need those signals to be able to see further.

Red pill, blue pill don’t know what the hell you are talking about but it explains a lot. The “It’s rigged” crowd is on drugs and must be hallucinating the rigging.


Because it isn’t there.

The reality is that if you accept it is not rigged then you also have to accept that you are bad, which you can’t do.

That’s also why you won’t ever get better.

But the bottom line is you believe what you believe on faith, so no rational argument will dissuade from your chosen position.

My only question for you is why would you ever play a game you believed is rigged to make you lose?

Like, no one would go to that casino ever… but here you are… that is the part that makes the least sense to me.


This is the aspect I just do not understand. How can you possibly play a game weighted against you? That’s why I will never gamble. I do know the feeling and excitement gambling can induce. However, it is definitely not worth it namely knowing you are probably gonna lose.

You will see these same accusations in every multiplayer game. Players cannot accept that maybe just maybe they are the problem.

There is a huge difference between the odds at a casino and a rigged game.

The odds at casino are against us, but the games are fair. These people are asserting the games are not fair beyond the bad odds, totally different than a casino.

I’m asking why would anyone go to the casino knowing that the roulette table had a magnet that made sure the ball always lands away from the bets. That’s not only illegal, it would be insane to play games there… yet here these people are.

I will rephrase it slightly different. Many people play games that are weighted to make them lose. Its a multi billion dollar industry.
And to the question with your phrasing: I would still play such a game occasionally if i find it fun overall,if only to see the silly things the game throws at me.

I dont think this game is rigged to make me lose over a large amount of games.
My believe is that the rng is flawed and the outcomes of rng are predictable with a higher accuracy then if it was truly random.

Then that’s easily provable.

Go make a stream and show the world.

If you can show what you allege, you will be rich. Wildly, inescapably rich from all the views you will get.

Seriously, put up or shut up.

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I didn’t mean to downplay the accusations of these particular conspiracy theorists. I was only trying to make a comparison. The “rigged” hypothesis is the idea of a slot machine but with worse odds… and yet these players play.

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No it wouldnt make me rich at all.

Either way,i feel free to express my opinion and have some fun with it on a thread dedicated to the game beeing rigged. And you are free to call it nonsense i have no problem with that and i wont tell you to shut up.

If blizzards find this thread inapropiate they should close it.

Anyway,i am done with it for now.
If people are convinced that the rng in this game is flawless then there is no point in taking it further. It seems rather obvious to me that it isnt flawless but maybe thats just me.

Like that hilarious moment in one BG lobbly legends final. Where i believe it was 3xeudora who got zerus 3 consecutive times in a row.
Yes it is possible that this is flawless rng,but there is a point where even the most sensible and logical person begins to doubt.

Order your “Im an arrogant jerk and don’t like anyone who thinks different” hat today. Supplies are limited as this is a very popular item. Get the matching “I am
Better than everyone else at video games” shirt for half off.


People owe you a response?

When someone makes a significant and important accusation it might be appropriate to respond to the responses to that.

You act like 100,000 samples would convince you. It would not you are only throwing that number out to make a counter argument unachievable. You went full Middle School debate Team there. Gratz.

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So I’m looking through my decks. While deleting some oldies I see my ol’ Quest Control Warrior. I dust it off and hit ranked. I am matched against another Quest Warrior… What the Hell are the chances?

Are you beginning to doubt your faith ?

When you play an off meta deck (not completely homebrew but a deck that is no longer meta) there is a high change you will see another off meta deck for your first match,often even a mirror match. After a few matches this bias will disapear.
There are some arguments for this and from a certain perspective the matchmaking system is doing you a favor here. Both of you probably had a better time playing this match then if both of you would have been matched against a counter top meta deck. And since it is a mirror,both of you had 50% change which makes it perfectly fine and balanced without favoring either of you two (in reality,both of you got favored).

Not saying its rigged,it could be completely random off course.

I queued with a Warlock deck of all 1 drops to complete play 25 minion, play 8 1 drop and play as warlock quests and my opponent was Ramp Druid the most common class people are queuing accord to the most recent VS report. Game is so rigged I queue 1 game and it was a match against the deck that has the most people playing it, unbelievable.

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