People still play this rigged game?

Hey, Toodles, did you receive my friend request?

Alright Kill, I’ll leave the precious alone.

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I don’t know what that means, but sounds good! :laughing:

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We both know you won’t. You absolutely need that last word. Come on daddy, do it for your kids.

You just demonstrated you need the last word…

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I need the last word.

(Plus it’s always a pleasure to ruin a stupid post about conspiracy idiocies)

Oh yeah?! Try me! Last word, buddy.

Ok let’s play hangman (hearthstone card edition)

L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R

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You win. I can’t decide what that word is.

I always win. More or less.

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Would you mind if I added you in-game? I enjoy your comments.

I wouldn’t mind. I’m on EU server btw. But BNet launcher is server agnostic if I’m correct.

Edit : I wasn’t correct, laucher is not server agnostic at all.

Edit 2 : or is it ?

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Cool! I’ll add you once I get back home.

Ok dudee.

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I feel like that’s misrepresenting his position.

His position is closer to: it’s unfair to ask me to prove bad people are bad because those people hide the proof because they’re bad, but if you don’t agree bad people are bad then you’re stupid.

On a completely unrelated note, Ashton Kutcher is the sole person responsible for 9/11. (Dave Chappelle knows the truth.) No, I can’t prove this, but it’s unfair to even expect it of me because Ashton is pure evil and prevents any evidence from being released. But all you islamophobes keep on blaming jihadism like the 70s Show watching, eating Wheaties with Ashton’s face on the box sheep that you are.

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Well I’m pretty sure we can find a video of Ashton Kutcher say the numbers 9 and 11. So you’re probably right.

Yeah, you’re probably right about that as well.

(oh wow, I agreed with someone, what a bad troll am I)

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Clip 9 of 11. Coincidence? I think not. Magnum P.I. is trying to tell us something. We need to find that flash drive.

Finally, someone who isn’t a brainwashed meat puppet with Ashton’s face on their underwear.


I chuckled

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So about the game being rigged, say it is rigged for you, being the rogue that has to queue into the control warrior.
Then how is it for the control warrior, does he feel positively rigged?
Or does the game favour control warriors in general? And if so, if you would be starting to play control warrior yourself, would you start feeling the positiveness of this riggedness yourself?

Or is the game just rigged against YOU and no one else, on it’s own an interesting thought, and Blizzard has implemented software just to make sure that YOU can not progress but everyone else can, then what is the business model behind that in your opinion?

