People still play this rigged game?

being a doomer must be exhausting.

I prefer to focus my energy on things I like doing

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Except the guy said he played for years, not just 5 games.

If you expect quality complaints you need to have quality responses.

You exaggerating after you say someone is exaggerating makes you look terribly foolish too.

lol yeah, whatever. typical blizzard forums. it has never been the same, since the milestone mindset reveal, “you think you do, but you don’t.”

this mindset also altered the constructive and passionate blizzard crowd and employees. it has changed them while bringing more like-minded crowd. good luck with your journey, it’s just out of control now. you deserve well-paid, kotick jr. toys in your “everything is great, yay!” mouths.

I give up. That was my mistake to think after all these years assuming the bottock-lickers can actually question things and be more skeptic about the products they paid for.

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Well that was quick.

You showed up, admitted that you were unable to prove anything about what you are claming, then proceeded to call all people disagreeing with you “bottom-lickers”.

Is that an attempt to speedrun the usual conspiracist journey through this forum ?
If so, you’re the quickest, congratz. Don’t forget to register yourself on


He doesn’t care about how foolish he looks, I would just ignore him, he only cares about the attention. I mean look how he posts, what do you expect.

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You mean the attention that you are giving me right now ? :slight_smile:

I like it when geniuses like you accidentally start to do the exact opposite of what they entend to do :slight_smile:

I don’t care I already have kids.

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Oh look, some more attention. Thx dudee. Some more “i can’t follow my own advice” to show us ?

Your welcome, I mean someone has to care about you right?

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Nah it’s not mandatory. Everyone always have the option to stop answering me you know. But you choose to let me waste your precious dad time, right ?

At least you acknowledge I’m a dad and my time is valuable. See there is hope for you.

Everyone’s time is valuable and I know how to read.
Any other obvious things to state ?

Nope you got enough attention from me today, time to go entertain yourself somewhere else son.

Nooo daddy, stay and play with me, I’m not done toying with you :slight_smile: By the way, I’m watching a TV show in the same time, so if you have not existed, it would have resulted in the exact same amount of entertainement for me.

No one cares what you do.

Woops I guess that was another lie, right ?

If that statement was right, you wouldn’t bother answering me :slight_smile:

Turns out I do what I want, and I don’t need the permission of some random narcissist on the internet.

Well at the moment you are more doing what I want you to do : answering me. Again and again, despite the fact you told me you were out.


Yep and like most parrots you are just repeating the same thing you always say over and over.

If it keeps you answering, why would I bother changing what I say ? Right ? Is that an internet special rule saying that we can’t repeat ourselves ?