Strangest matchmaking ever

Ok. Let’s see.

In the other thread:

you made a similar claim based on a sample size of 19 that your 11-3 Zoo deck was then countered by 5 consecutive Control Warriors thus “proving” a rigged system.

I’ve just done you one better. I played 20 games with my Quest Hunter. 10 without Rustrot Vipers and 10 with two Rustrot Vipers. In the 10 games without the Vipers, I faced one Rogue and one Shaman. In the 10 games with the Vipers, I faced one Rogue and two Shamans. How do you explain this? According to your theory, the game couldn’t be rigged because when I added the Vipers, I actually faced more weapon decks.

Of course, all of this is nonsense because a sample size of 20 is woefully inadequate to draw any reliable conclusions. But I was happy to humor you with a brief test.