People still play this rigged game?

Dude if you are going to lie at least try not be funny about it

Assuming this actually happened (I’ve never played the same 5 decks in a row, even even when quest warlock/mage were collectively like 1/2 the meta).

Depending on the day in question this could be a .03% chance of occuring (so quite frequent, over 100k or more players) to a 2.43E−6% chance of occuring (quite rare, but still likely to happen to one or two people on any given week). And that’s before looking at pocket metas and such, and possibly bots of your win rate sucks.

Look at class prevalence day to day and note how wild the shifts can be as people try to solve the meta, and remember that most people are like most people so they make the same decisions mostly at the same time.

It did happen because thats the only way the game could force my winrate to drop by giving me a hard counter deck that barely anyone plays 5 turns in row


Warrior ranges from 3-20% of the meta depending on day and rank band.

What is this 2021? Pirate Warrior sucks now

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It’s actually 2016, and they’re playing Zoo Warlock.


Control decks are popular atm. Questlines and combo have fallen out of the meta and there is an overabundance of control tools.

I mean in theory zoolock shouldn’t even struggle against control Warrior that much and there are definitely changes you can make to your deck to improve the match up.

ah yees.

the other classic example of “my wins are my wins and my loses are because the game cheats to make me lose”.

solid point mate.

/sarcasm off

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Eh, Felspell implock is decent.

Not against a lot of the control decks that are popular atm, but decent. It beats druid and paladin hard.

To be honest, I observed these shifts too, but always differently, not with some consistency.

When I climb to legend and get stuck, I swap into different deck and somehow it works and I get the last couple games to finish it, even if it is fringe T3 deck.
Other time I swap deck to counter something and somehow I dont meet the decks I am targetting.

But it always feels like good/bad luck, you never know if you can expect 9 games winning streak or losing streak.

I play Vanndar priest and I have sometimes 10 games, when he is in my hand by turn 3-4 8 out of 10 and then I have games, when I dont see it until I have full hand of minions (or I am dead).

But that is just game of numbers, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you dont.

But yeah, sometimes it might feel like the game is rigged.

Whenever there is a heavy Rock-Paper-Scissors meta, the “HS is rigged” conspiracy theorists come out in full force.

It’s only “rigged” in the sense that you will face more difficult opponents the more you win. And Mage isn’t allowed to have a Teir 1 deck.

Does anyone still play that deck post nerf? It’s honestly not that good at this point.

You need a healthy dose of introspection.

Last time I am telling you this:

You are losing because you are bad, not because of the match.

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Yes, hearthstone is rigged. Yes there is plenty of evidence and yes the forum troll patrol ignores it and keeps spewing meme phrases.

Magic was found out to be rigging the game only after a whistleblower came forward which completely obliterates the tin foil hat crap and the idea that we should already know from third party tracking. Millions of unique players have all questioned the rigged game and when they come here they are met with the troll patrol puking out the exact same meme phrases.

“But why do they want you in particular to lose!?” Derp. That is another BS argument. The game doesn’t want anyone to lose, they want you to spend money and track your gaming, apply gaming psychology and attempt to get you to spend.

But go ahead and assume that a company is refusing to use patented tech (they got the patent for) to legally inflate profits, lmfao that is the true tin foil hat crowd. If you believe that you should also sue Blizzard for malfeasance against the investors due to negligence.


Didn’t you all get the news the rigging was a bug that they fixed in the April 1st patch.

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I cannot tell if these people with 1000+ posts come here saying games are not rigged are trolling or something.

If you played the game with your eyes open you will notice the types of decks you face depends on the types of decks you play.

The proof is literally to have your eyes open while playing the game, but if that is too much to ask of you, then on the other hand, it is definitely too much to ask from us to keep track over 1000s of games, LMAO.

Just in case you guys come after me saying “saying rigged because you are bad”… I don’t really care about the issue. I understand that is how it works, so it boggles my mind how you guys have made so many posts on the forums but not seen this yourselves while playing the game.

The types of decks you face is different based on the types of decks you play, and that is a fact.

The most noticable it was for me was when I first chose to play Resurrect priest (because I was getting so annoyed facing it), a while back when it was the meta… the types of decks were completely different from what I usually faced.


No wonder why blizzard makes fun of people like you in their April fools posts.


@emotedspam is right. I started ranked last night 12-0 with Beast Druid. Today any deck I play or swap to is a direct counter or they just have better hands or draw better. There’s a video I posted that talks about the Blizzard patent if you search. But shills will be shills.

Nope this is a question, question you and your folk still fail to answer.

Saying “it’s obvious” is not a proof, it just show you’re unable to prove anything.


Blizzard does not need to rig to counter the smooth brains that play Hearthstone.

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