People purposefully taking too long, not reportable

i don’t know i just feel like they getting angry at me taking so much time. and im pretty sure based on this thread it most likely is the case. this gives me the satisfaction i need to continue this behaviour. wasting mages time. since its so frustrating playing against this most frustrating broken class

Ah. There’s your misconception. You’re assuming they are using their turn to irritate you. Like I said, it’s okay for you or your opponent to play your cards, use all your mana and take the remaining time to plan your following turns.

You can look at your hand while your opponent takes their turn. NO EXCUSE.


I’m convinced you’re trolling or delusional or both. Either way. Enjoy the game!

damn those ropers make you really angry :rofl:

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75 seconds adds up to a long time when it happens every turn while someone draws out 40 cards while stalling until they can one shot you.


I like the sentiment but i think mage players don’t value their time or other people`s for that matter.

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If you are so bothered by something that insignificant, absolutely nothing prevents you from conceding to end your “suffering”.


yes you do! blizzard said it many time. check celestalon twitter he made many posts about it.


This should not irritate you. Their turn is their turn. If you get anger from such little things i suggest you look in the mirror cause you have anger issues. Go seek help :slight_smile:


and mages have no right to abuse their overpowered decks thats why i waste their time as much as they frustrate me. they always get mad its so funny me stalling the game

People who have no respect for others’ time are garbage tier. Have a great weekend :wink:

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first dont play games when you dont have the time for it. 2nd its funny you call people garbage then act nice and say have a great weekend. terrible troll lol


You must not have been a fan of Lifecoach.

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It’s actually a burning wick, not a rope, lol, but saying someone wicked me sounds weird.

People shouldn’t get tilted by players taking their whole turn, that is why there is a rope. Including responses mentioned above, I’d like to add some people have low IQ’s, brain-fog, are blind, physically disabled, had a really bad day, or really young. I play tons of HS, sitting at 187 on the track, and probably only get 1-2 ropers a week, which is not a roping epidemic.

Maybe you did something on your end that caused the roping. Were you obnoxiously emoting? Anyway, it’s your mindset that needs to change, not the ability to report ropers. Reporting is for people that use bots, suspected of cheating, or maybe some abusive friend requests, and I stress some. I don’t want HS turning into some cushy safe space. Grow a spine. Everyone busts a fuse now and then.

Not saying you’re this type of person, or speaking negatively of you at all, but your attitude can tell you more about yourself than the person doing said thing. Example: When money is ever missing, I’d watch assistant managers closely who go straight to the idea that an employee stole the money. I ask myself, why would you automatically come to that assumption unless you think like that yourself. Point being you should not assume the person is roping to piss you off, versus other reasons.


i hate those players or they dont concede

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That there exists a specific term for these people already speaks volumes, I’d say.

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there a term for every type of people in this world…whats your point?

really now? so… whats the term for people who occupy the toilet for way too long? Well… if you do have a term for it, thats very unusual, cause in the 3 languages that I speak (not counting English), there is no such term.

its called constipated people…? way to argue for nothing lol