I have not seen much talk about the current Twist season, but it’s what I been playing the most for the last few days.
Of the 10 possible classes (DK & DH are excluded from this season), I have seen all of them played, but as you go up the Ladder, you face mostly Warrior, Druid, Paladin, Priest, and Rogue.
I have used Warrior, Priest, and Paladin decks, with my current preference being Warrior.
According to HSReplay, the best class continues to waffle back and forth between Druid and Warrior.
Druid is mostly relying on aggro Token Druid decks, but I did take a loss to a rare big Druid deck, which utilized beast synergies.
Most Warrior decks are making use of a dragon package, but because of Token Druid, some warriors decks have gone more midrange with an inclusion of pirates or buff minions like Bonemare and Funglemancer.
Dragon Priest and Dragon Paladin are represented as well. Wasteland Priest (with Skelemancer, Bonemare, and Grave Rune) can also be encountered.
Rogue is mostly using Jade Rogue with the spell damage of Street Trickster to clear wide boards with fan of knives or to get value out of cheap damage spells. Dragon Rogue exists as well.
I experimented with a lot with different Priest builds, but I currently prefer a Dragon Warrior deck, which includes 2x Tar Creeper to help deal with Token Druid.
A pauper season means that Twist decks are easily accessible to all my F2P collections. I easily hit D5 in a single day of playing on one account, while some of my other collections are just starting to hit platinum.
Unless you get overrun by Token Druid, games tend to feel interactive, with some matches going to fatigue.
Some screenshots of typical matches: