Pandaren Importer Should Get Dust Refund Extension

So i log in and see nerfs to some cards but Pandaren Importer is not giving full dust refunds.

I understand that this was a hotfix sometimes earlier this month but it was not really communicated in game that a nerf happened at the time and i know many people missed out on the opportunity to get a full dust refund. Dust refund for this card apparently ended on the 20th.

It’s just kind of annoying to see it pop up on this patch as a nerfed card but cannot get the full dust because of some obscure client side hotfix that not many people knew of. I really feel like this should be extended. What do ya’ll think? How many of you missed out on this dust?


What was the exact problem with this card? Something something Rogue reduced cost exploit?

It really messed up my Quest Priest.


Rogue had an infinite damage loop using this card with shadowstep.


Wait, we could dust the panda for full compensation already? How was I supposed to know it :joy:


I, for one, missed the opportunity to dust it. It was not sufficiently communicated to players, clearly, that it was refunded to us initially.


I also missed my chance to dust extra of the Pandaren Importer. :frowning:

Is anyone really surprised? Its blizzard.

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I agree that the full dust refund should be implemented again, and when it does, that needs to be announced in game. These two things, the card change being communicated, and the full dust refund for said changes, both need to happen at the same time. It is not rocket science. It is not hard to fix. It is what a company interested in showing empathy/support/involvement with it’s community of players would do.


it was announced on the patch notes

how did you and DLMdD miss the full refund ?

back then when it was nerfed you 2 posted on a thread with a link to the patch notes telling us about it !

I can’t speak for DLMdD, but I don’t recall the refund. What topic are you talking about? Why is this a problem for you?

I remember a hotfix for the card happening but i didn’t realize you could already get the dust since it was a hotfix.

I don’t use the card in any of my decks so i would have never really known if i didn’t frequent the forums.

They straight up have the nerf appear as if it is a recent nerf when you first log in on the current patch. Why do that now and not give dust refund?


For whatever reason, they feel it’s fair. I recall the change, but I don’t recall reading that the card was refundable. I don’t know how I missed it. Considering the amount of players that did miss it, it’d be nice if the refund period were increased for at least a few days.

It’s only a common card. It isn’t like we’re going to get that much dust. And surely FTP players that missed out want to be given another chance. What harm would that cause?


im just suprised because it thought the ones who didnt miss the refund were the ones who posted or read those threads

That’s fine, and thanks for the link. I must’ve forgotten to actually disenchant it. Personally, I’m not worried about the dust (I only have 2 copies). I don’t think it can hurt, however, to give players that missed this detail another chance to disenchant. Do you? Is there something I’m missing?

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Guys, I lost 500 dust. I am sad. I need a hug. :sob: :sob: :sob:

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It’s okay, you’ll make that dust back in no time!

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i think the best way to get that is to make a thread on reddit

it worked for the faction legendaries we got the refund because people kept asking for it on reddit

do you think I read all patch notes every time there is one?

I didn’t see any pop up in the game (I saw a lot of “buy this BG thing” adv instead…), I had no clue it was refundable :joy:

I may be in wrong here, but blizzard isn’t in the right either


Bruh, to make it worse I think it was an added edit, and it wasn’t even the main patch notes thread either, one of those extensions like the current one 23.02.034243.

Yeah, people will read that random sub-patch notes thread and keep up to date with it to read it again and again(and again) for additional edits (because of the billions of bugs the game has), just… LMAO.

Flawless communication system.

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