Is Pandaren importer being changed? (with image)

The last couple of matches I’ve played Pandaren importer appears with a mana cost of 3 (up from 2) and with stats 2/4. But in My Collection it still has the original stats.

https: //ibb .co/ cYYrSmr


source ?? i havent read anythinga bout changes yet

yes, it was a server side patch to stop the rogue OTK.

I am watching Regis and he was just talking about it.

They are also banning Wildfire and Malygos from deck creation in Duels.


The only source I have is my screenshot and the fact that I am playing the game and Importer appears changed.

Pandaren bites the dust hilarious thats the route they went with.


i thought it was someone suggestion

ive seen peopel suggest nerfs with editted screenshots on reddit

he’s been changed to a 2/4 3 drop yes.

but due to a bug the extra stats appear as buffs rather than white numbers.


Then it’s official: we are beta testers and the “theroy craft stream” is just an escamotage to not release a totally broken product on day 1!


Lmao, yet another card gets sacrificed at the Alter of “keeping Shadowstep in Standard”
Who will be the next victim, I wonder?


Quest priest getting nerfed because another class was broken. Again.

God what a tragic archetype.


you had the patch notes toolike kyle

i wasnt online until now didnt see the change ingame

offcourse nerf 1 of the best 2 drops for quest priest cause rogue is broken again ffs fix the damn rogue card that the main source of the problem (and alot of other bs shenaigans aka shadowstep) not the neutral ones…


is really this that bad of a change ?
it couldve have worse stats *looks at cabal courier and golden scarab *

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you like the idea of playing a 2/4 on turn 3? Not to mention it completely throws off any chance of Quest Priest having a decent curve.


Playing duels right now and was about to report that bug. Glad I’m not the only one ^^’


Really… I am kind of disapointed. Pandaren Importer by its own was a fine card, almost in the edge of being unplayabe. It doesnt kill the card, but having a decent cost 2 in greedy decks was really usefull.

I think that shadow step should have been nerfed or HoF since a long time ago, but still a more subtle fix could have been done to make everyone happy.


it a big hit to quest priest that allready was meh it a great 2 drop


Now the 2 mana and 7 mana slots will both be really awkward in quest priest.

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How about replacing the pandas with Watch Posts or Neophytes? Any better 2-drops coming from SC?

As for Shadowstep, I believe they did the right thing. That’s one of the cards that routinely holds rogue up.

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What’s left for the 2-drop slot besides the watch post?

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