How did I miss this thread until just now?
I have not played Smeet’s list, but my own list has a lot in common with his. I am sure his list very good, and I am not saying my list is better, but I do not find myself facing a lot of aggro between Bronze and Legend, so I don’t see the need to heavily stack against aggro. That’s what I like about BSM, it’s so adjustable to deal with one mostly encounters on the Ladder.
My list runs nine 2-drops, making it likely that I will get a coin from playing Greedy Partner in the early game.
I run 2x Audio Splitter in my deck, because they enable Greedy Partner, and I often get great value from getting a copy of high cost spell or even Star Power. Between cards like Audio Spitter, Conniving Conman, and Orb, I have had matches where Star Power, Tsunami or Orbs have been cast like 5 times.
I have experimented with soooo many different cards in BSM, including cards like GorgonZormu and Observer of Mysteries, but I have yet to try Skeet or Griftah in BSM.
I currently run one Reverberations to deal with Titans or some of the big health taunts that some classes use, but I do not run Norgannan, because it feels like a “win more” card to me. I prefer to run Puzzlemaster Khadgar instead, because if my deck is struggling to set up its combos, I need a card to help buy me some time. I imagine Skeet can be of similar use.
Ya, I have to constantly remind myself that if I coin Kalecgos out then I won’t get to play a zero cost spell. Although some classes do not have an easy way of dealing with an early Kalecgos (from either coins or Sea Shill), which sets one up for a powerful next turn or two.
I started with DJ in my deck, and I ended up cutting it for this reason. Also, the version that I was running at the time had too many other 9-drops, like Yogg-Saron and Zilliax.
I think I prefer a deck list without Sea Shill, but I have waffled on this. I am playing a BSM deck on a second server right now and I do not want to craft another card, so I am filling in a hole with Sea Shill and it’s fine for now.
Ya, it happens, but I believe the inclusion of Orb causes more wins than losses. I am truly shocked though about how many games where I have three orbs, because of Audio Splitter, without having played a big spell yet, that I end up winning anyways. I guess that scenario died not always result in an automatic loss for the deck.
I agree, I find putting Orb into ETC to be an awkward solution, because it tends make for a weak turn, which results in a loss of momentum or pressure, and losing access to Dirty Rat vs. a control deck can be devastating.