Only really get on to do dailies

I thought would have fun with new expansion, but lack of board and new card just put a bad taste in your mouth playing this now. The meta just plain still boring and way to fast path for my liking. It’s like your OTK hand or early board flood happen too often.

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As long as you continue playing under these conditions you deem bad, you are supporting the game and, by extension, these conditions.

The only way to change the game for the better is to stop playing.


Also maybe you’re just bored with the game and need to find some new hobbies


you know you dont have to play ranked right?

i play casual wild, if i see a deck i dont like, or priest, i just let them win, and i lose nothing for it, just concede and move to the next game

i only try to get rank for the rewards, diamond is the highest ive been since i dont care to netdeck in order to win

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I reach diamond 5 this month with rainbow death knight and do the same for rewards in rank.

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Only really get on to do dailies

Same for the most part, granted most of my game time is on FFXIV since the expansion drop. So fun.

But i’ll at least goof off with some newer homebrews i’m working on a lil bit

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you still owe me a casual wild game!!!

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lmao youre kidding right? Thats nothing. Youre mad about not having a new fidget spinner.

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I feel the same. I am searching for a deck i would really enjoy, but the meta is too much polarized, too rock paper scissor. I understand it’s inevitable that some archetype are favored against other, but right now, it is pushed to the limit.

I think every archetype should have a fighting chance against the rest. But if you play a slow deck and you see a rogue playing the flame revenant on 2, you better off conceding immediatly, you are going to be lamplighted to death.

Powerful strategy are fun, not denying it, but it came to a point current strategy are too powerful, too efficient. It’s time like this i actually miss Theotar.

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you are doing this to yourself, just make and play the deck you want in casual

i have fun every day, because i make and play decks i want to play


you’re probably right.

Once i get to Diamond, i should switch to casual and play there. I’ve always wanted a wat to measure my progress, and i figure stars are as good as any, but maybe it ain’t worth it

Edit : Just play one game in casual, same try hard meta deck. Where is the fun, i don’t see it?

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No not kidding it tie the whole new expansion together and I was not the only one that was disappointed look at reddite and youtube. But now blizzard doing one board a year and pets of some kind.

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just concede, if they wanna tryhard, let them have their useless win

add me and we can play some whizbang decks later on

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Only really get on to do dailies

PS As I’ve written, I don’t do forums regularly anymore, not gonna bother with reading comments to the thread (probably the same insipid rubbish by the same bunch), I’ll just leave this here as an exception, although the subject is once again not new, and that’s it.

I personally don’t even plan on bothering with yet another ‘event’ featuring some dull ‘rewards’ or perhaps even a seasonal card back. The point is, the game is supposed to entertain you, and you are supposed to be playing it — not the other way around. If you’re in it simply due to the compulsion because of a symbolical ‘carrot’, often useless, hanged in front of you, perhaps you should reconsider your approach.

I agree, they really need to like idk, triple the requirements needed to complete the quests, and maybe in return they can give like 10% more gold. Otherwise it’s like you don’t have to play at all to do the quests and once the quests are done there is nothing to do. They should probably change “play” to “win” as well. So yeah I totally agree they should do this to help people like us have a reason to play the game for longer

I can offer you an even better experience then and all it will cost you is slight effort.

get a bowl of warm water and sit in it. Dump some sand on the floor and stick your feet in it. Get some fidget toys from the dollar store and stick them on your desk.

Boom. YOu get at least 100x the quality of “interactive board” that you were "promised’ lol.

I don’t care that you want a random fidget toy. I care that you act as if its important. Its not.