That has a limit. The corpse explosions are often not enough on obscenely big minions at very-late game (they often leave at least one big minion up) and the opponent wastes a lot of draw capital to do that compared to just 1 card Reno.
It’s just too good to remove everything and limit the board; the new Zephrys has an 8 cost total clear but it’s too RNG and it doesn’t limit the board; Reno as an absolute clear belongs in a CLASS collection that specializes more on defense.
I don’t believe in strong neutrals in general. I wouldn’t be surprised if the strongest game design is to remove them entirely (hard to support the baggage of Wild I know but maybe not a bad idea for Standard).
We have various indications it’s just broken design; e.g. why give practically “Priest-tier powers” to a paladin with the Titan yogg; why give Reno (speak of the devil) to anyone other than a Priest-type class.
Yup yup but if it was gone id be bringing back some big deathrattle decks!!! Love me some deathrattle decks. Whether or not theyd be playable is a different issue!
Also on neutral cards that druid has broken
What about
Jailer how could ya miss jailer! And what was that undead that reduced the cost of even or odd cost cards and dint they use cover artist or something with it.
And it’s almost exclusively because these gave Druid access to something it should NEVER have and that is full board clears. Full board clears was literally the main weakness of the class that allowed Ramp to be balanced. They Ramp so their Big Minions would compete with other boards.
Now, they Ramp, get bigger minions and bigger boards faster than you do, and clear your boards with no problem.
Since Kazakusan where this problem was rooted in this issue, it was obvious. And they kept making the same mistake. Denathrius. Astalor. Reno.
Giving Druid board clears completely shores up its main weakness, which was a weakness specifically to counter Ramp. Now the class has literally zero weakness. It hasn’t had a weakness since.
It really is. I was actually shocked to hear Zeddy talk about it today and he said something like “And I’d really like to see a card nerfed that really no one is talking about and I don’t know why - Marin. It just cheats out and scams so many games” and I wanted to jump up and down and say FINALLY.
I was playing HL Shaman before expansion and had lots of fun with Zola + mini Shudderblock then playing ridiculous combos like that off.
There are a lot of things you can do with a triple battlecry in this meta. I know everyone loves the Incidius play but the Triple Gigantic Growfin, Triple Dirty Rat, and Triple Jepetto into even more minis are ridiculous plays as well that you never see.
And now we have the hunter cards to play with. The possibilities are insane.
I was playing reno rogue last week and i lost because of this play giving them the value to close it out. Reno shaman kinda destroys reno rogue anyways because it has so much juice
By simply considering power level, Reno should cost 20 mana. Not only it clears opponents board clean, including locations, minions and whatever those other things are (dragon egg, Sargeras nether) but it also limits their board for 1 turn, which i think this is the biggest issue.
In my opinion, Reno should cost 8 mana by default and increase its cost by 1 for each minion you have on the board. Meaning that it can be used to clear when you are in disadvantage on the board but it cannot be used while you have the advantage… or have more than 2 minions or no minions at all… since he’s the “lone” gunman. Or something similar around board presence to balance it
Nice to see the delete marin calls starting to gain traction… I’ve been asking for that card to be removed for ages now.
Id really like for them to rework all the mana cheat cards… with the hunter parrot battlecry thing that reduces cost you can cheat out dungar on turn 6 which I imagine will be the next BSM style deck.
Either way the mana cheat in this game has become out of control and I hope they reign it in soon because its not fun to have to play highroll games all the time.