One thing i agree with VS about

i never used the word “loser” when talking to anyone here

is more likely i said you were overeacting over a bad card and 15 days of early acces to it for
all that card did was add some extra value to the tavern pass for players who bough the pre order because those who did got a guaranteed 2 free epic from the tavern pass re roll

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To be fair, Druid isn’t paying 10 for Reno. When they are at 10 mana in turn 6 they are paying 6 mana not 10.

Paying 10 mana on turn 10 like everyone else has to do is fair.

That’s why Marin scam is more visible in Druid. Turn 4 Marin turn 5 wand scam.

Reno is only good because druids and warriors can ramp mana; it’s VERY weak right now on actual-10-mana builds; most decks in the meta hope to kill you before even 7.

That doesn’t work with all decks. E.g. typical priest decks would probably want to use the 2 leggo card; their actual cards aren’t starving of mana reduction; they’re starving of stealing the cards of others.

The difference between other board clears and Reno is that Reno steals the initiative away from the player who is threat checking the reno player.

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People still cry about reno? 10 mana?

Have you seen what happens before reno?
Blizzards creativity died long before reno. They decided to ramp up the powercreep to 11 and decide that shorter scammier games are more fun and decisions mattering is not.

They’re not talking about Reno on 10 “real mana”; it’s played on ramp mana decks that have 10 mana when you have between 4 to 6 only; druids and warriors.

It’s practically like a 5 or 6 mana Reno at that point. Not the strongest decks while they ramp but IF they ramp…


I mean, the board clear turn is usually when I’ll do something expensive of my own like sunset volley to use. Unless I’m behind on board I can usually do something valuable during that turn, and it’s pretty rare that Reno gets used to press an advantage.

It’s definitely a very strong card, but for 10 Mana it feels pretty fair. It costs a full turn to use for anyone but Druid.

But that’s kind of just druid in a nutshell breaking things that aren’t really broken anywhere else.

Every strong neutral should basically just be assumed to be a druid card.

Druid is really

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I not even talking It is overpowered to be fair.
Just that is easy to understand why people are tired of it.

VS’ problem with Reno isn’t with mage, they’re talking about mid-range or slower decks not being able to develop any strategy that involves big minions (because Reno wipes their whole plan in an instant without much work).

It’s one of the few things that I agree with VS; it’s the killer of the big minions deck; well it kills all minions but big minions at late game are even more work to develop usually so it’s an even cheaper job to clean with Reno.

Yeah to me Reno’s just another prince Reinhal, annoying af on release but after enough times of going against it it’s not really scary anymore, just annoying and too p r e d i c t a b l e to fight. Outside of me hyperbuffing an Al Akir fly swatter specifically so I could laugh at them- I just decided to treat LR Reno like a bull, show the opponent red and they WILL charge.

Right, but what I’m saying is that Reno isn’t really any different than anything else control decks have been using forever to stop these kinds of strategies. The only thing that Reno deals with that can’t be easily dealt with By other board clear cards is Rheastrasza’s nest and Sargeras’ portal.

It’s not like any board based strategy can survive a stacked corpse explosion.

And sure, it comes with a turn where your options are limited, but in most circumstances you have the ability to still spend Mana efficiently, especially if you expect a Reno, by just having a big single minion. Sunset volley is a good example of an effective post-remo play.

What I’m trying to get at here is that if Reno were deleted today, board based strategies wouldn’t suddenly spike, because there are plenty of removal tools to get rid of them that aren’t Reno, and plenty of off board burst to kill more effectively than most board based decks can handle.


That’s pretty specific to BSM. My big-spell druid has few direct damage options to use other than gem tossers to burn a turn in a such a way. But you’d never do that as a wait or stall turn, gem tossers are far too valuable as a finisher, and blowing them on reducing life total is not worth it in Reno druid as they can just Eonar or Zillax reset. Or better yet Marvin into Eonar, Zillax and Reno at 1 hit point. Lol, I’ve had that happen to me before (on the receiving end.)

Point is, there are few deck building options you can swap in in a board-based deck to combat Reno. There used to be options to disable Reno (shuffling in duplicates) and IMO that was better than it is now where the effect is impossible to interact with or disable, it’s just a guarantee game tempo hard reversal. And since they effectively gave most decks (especially control decks) infinite value, there’s no concept of out-lasting in a control-v-control matchup, tempo is the only thing that matters.

I’m not complaining that Reno is impossible to counter. It’s not, I farm Reno druids all day long when I play pain-lock. What I’m saying is, it cuts off a whole deck design space that would otherwise be available and competitive. Part of the other reason I despise it so much is because, unlike other strong control decks like blood DK that you mentioned, it’s MU where Reno is good are like 80-20 or 90-10 in favor of Reno druid. It’s a morale crushing deck to play against.

Just because the 4 sectarian cats on the forum don’t like it, doesn’t mean people are tired of reno, I love it, more highlandercards pls

Yeah, that’s just the whole Druid not allowing neutrals to be good thing going on.

Reno isn’t making just about any other deck work, just druid, which can play him like he still costs 8 Mana, or just gets him for 0 from Marin or Eonar mama refreshes.

I wish blizzard had actually removed ramp from druid this year, rather than simply repackaging it in gift while having whelp, doomkin, and crystal to do the same thing.

Reno druid is the only time Reno even feels like a particularly good card, and even there it’s mostly just Marin and Eonar being broken along with ramp.

I dont think ramp is inherently broken. It becomes broken when their is too many ways to be able to ramp.

This current druid reminds me of the Guff meta. I have the same opinion now that i did then. Redundancy in ramp is what really makes Druid unfun to face.

Especially when they can go past 10 mana.
How can you compete in a greedy matchup with druid when they can spend 3 to 6 more mana than you every turn?

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Not to mentiom druid somehow being more known for drawing cards than rogue so they never suffer burnout

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How does it kill creativity?

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Best answer to this tends to be in either giving the druid very poor ability to deal with minions on board, which Reno eliminates, or making druid exceptionally bad at drawing cards, so that while they may be able to do a big turn or two, if you answer it, they have little follow up.

Reno druid is druid with ramp, plenty of card draw and card generation, and board clear potential through Reno.

All of that combined just kind of leaves it with no real weakness other than decks that can threaten lethal on you because you had the audacity to skip turn 2 or 3.


I dont know why, but i feel disrespected when i play a mid range curve trying to make as much pressure as i can and a druid just ignores me and ramps into Eonar lol

It builds itself.
It’s complete uninspiring nonsense.