Odyn, Prime Designate -- next turn ONLY

I feel this card is quite broken in its current form. Rest of the game is way too strong for its effect. It should be for the NEXT turn only armor counts as damage and does not stack as ‘armor’ but instead becomes damage. Currently as it stands if it goes late game it is a near 100% win for warrior.

Way too easy to gain armor which then easily turns into pure damage AND gains massive life.

Next turn ONLY OR better yet, turn it into a 10 mana, 5/5. Heck you could make it a 10 mana 1/1 and it STILL would see massive gamebreaking play from that one effect.

What if for the rest of the game anytime the player would have gained armor they gain attack instead? That way they’re no longer gaining both the huge attack and huge buffer to their health? Probably not the best compromise, but it’s the best I could think of at the moment.


I’m liking this because it’s actually a fantastic compromise that you’ve used your brain to come up with. Bravo.

However, Control Warrior is dead now anyway so it doesn’t even matter.

control warrior is alive again because blizz banned jailer until next balance patch

Control Warrior was bad without Druid intervening. The “control” aspect got nerfed to death.

Druid wasn’t there to beat control warrior, it was there to bear Enrage Warrior


the data says otherwise

That’s last weeks data dude

it’s data couple days before rise of jailer tony druid

It’s a week of old data. Control Warrior is getting spanked even in low ranks with win rates of 49%.

It’s awful now.

It gets absolutely abolished by most of the T1 meta decks now, mainly Hunter but others too.

It’s bad.

Enrage Warrior was the top legend deck of choice which is why Tony Druid rose to fame in the first place, Tony was still bad at climbing because it had a load of unfavourable matchups in the “normal” meta

control warrior went down because of tony druid.
enrage warrior is the alternate version which is much faster paced and can kill tony druid

here is the data

tony druid has
win rate of 63.7% against control warrior
win rate of 47.9% against enrage warrior

The card cost 8 Mana. Which means unless you were able to get it discounted, you can only play it on turn 8 for the most part. You’re not going to have a lot of options to trigger the effect you get from playing this card unless you have the weapon or something else that is discounted that you can generate armor with on the same turn you play it.

I feel the card is fine the way it is.


enough already. The card is 8 mana. I MIGHT get lucky and get it on a dredge so I can play it on turn 6. This game has bigger issues than Odyn. Treant druid comes to mind. Jailer decks come to mind.


did you guys even read what op said?
give attack on ‘next’ turn
not ‘this’ turn

lol… you obviously did not understand the response.

Came here to post this. It’s not cost effective to make it a one turn only deal. Like when they nerfed the rogue lifesteal effect for that weapon (I think there was a balance between twice a game and all game).

At best, ten damage. This is another combo that take a while to pull off and relies on other cards. Really eay to disrupt.

Yes, which means hold even more cards in hand, and in the aggrostone meta means that this still doesn’t work. So turn 9 or later for this to work.

Might as well ask for it to be removed from the game.

Do you come with idiotic ideas as a hobby or is it just this particular one?

then how is rainbow mage working?
should we make sif give +spell damage for rest of the game?

You really want to get into how a completely different card, with a completely different mechanic, for a completely different class, with completely different functionality works differently than this one?

Well, for starters…it works COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

But feel free to make a “sif needs a nerf” thread and we’ll have that discussion too.

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Personally I hate any effect in the game that becomes permanent and unremovable. Odyn is particularily heinous. His effect, much like Sif, should only be in effect while he is on the board.

Thats my 2 cents.

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it’s not any different.
you get 8 armor per 3 mana
if you are wearing wind fury weapon that’s 16 damage for 3 mana
that’s enough damage per mana to otk full hp enemy with armor on top

no wonder 20+% of top 1000 legend were control warrior before rise of tony druid.

you think it’s not the same because warrior need wind fury weapon and have to save up armor cards to pull out that combo?
rainbow mage have cast lots of different spell school cards, save up bunch of spell cards, and reduce mana cost of spells with lady nazjar to do otk combo