Odyn, Prime Designate -- next turn ONLY

If it was the same, they wouldn’t be different classes. In fact, you spell out (no pun intended) how the mage otk is a different beast entirely.

are you arguing just for sake of arguing?

the point is both deck require some set up to do otk combo.
they are pretty much the same
yet control warrior win con card is much better

If you want to be that broad about it, you might as well say “they’re both otk decks, of course they’re the same!”

The specifics matter, which is where your comparison falls apart. Which is the real point, taking it all the way back to:

TLDR: apples to oranges.

And in the current aggrostone meta, slow warrior will get destroyed unless they match against an equally slow(er) deck.

right very slow very slow
are you kidding me? control warrior combo often comes faster than rainbow mage combo

Easily could’ve been the first time each turn you gain armor gain that much attack and still would have been a good card for control warrior.