Odyn needs sire nerf

the amount of attack you should get per armor should be at least halved, if not more … i believe the ideal nerf would be something like: gains +1 attack each time you gain armor … the amount of attack you can get in a single turn given all of the armor generation cards that exist, especially in wild is stupid


stop nerfing standard because of wild. Give it a rest already.


Yeah lets nerf the only good wincon card warrior has gotten in like 3 years. Great idea.


No one should be able to get 28 attack on one round. That is a load of crap and you know it.


It sucks, but that is the game now. It’s what the devs want, and they show zero interest in back tracking on it.

I’ve played the deck. I agree with you. But warrior has been garbage in standard for a long time now. NOt a great idea to take away the best wincon its had in well over a year. A wincon that requires you to take damage while you wait for the right cards to get drawn.

Warrior is the top played deck since last week of Augest.


so ? thats just its playrate

and the deck improved after other cards were buffed

did you know odyn wasnt one of the cards they buffed ?

I mean, I was getting a 67-70% winrate with Kazakuzan with the naga expac.

good thing you represent the entire playerbase.

Spot the aggro player.

Warrior needed this. Without it - it would be the worst class again.

Spot i need one button win player, because game is hard… Cammon really the game is going in really bad direction right now.


I think people who play these types of decks should only have to play against each other. I get tired of playing against this cheesy deck every other game. Like guys do your need to win trumps having fun?

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love how you complain about people having fun because you lost and really angry about warriors players daring to have fun while doing it!

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Boreas try not to be a contrarian challenge.


I do think warrior is a bit tuned up right now, but I don’t think it needs a harsh nerf. Just some more balance.

They’ve talked about a potential feature where we can eliminate one class, I’d love for them to do that already.

do you mean like a ban pick in mobas? i would be up for that, but i think i’d rather see them implement it in a way that allows you to ban cards instead of classes … if the extremely broken stuff can just be banned around so that broken stuff just faces each other and bots and lets “honest” decks through to face each other, i think that’s all i’m really asking for when i post a topic like this (which is a rarity)

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can you link the source

first time i read about this

i hope they arent dumb enough to add this for ranked instead of casual

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The joke is over blizzard. We’ve all enjoyed the laugh. Nerf this trash already. Or simply tell us the zug zug style is the perma meta for all your games.

Update: Had the whole thing for 90% of the game as control warlock. 1 turn 30 damage.

Check the first minute of this video. Team 5 use to have a ask me anything segment from time to time on Twitter (x). The developers would talk about things they were considering all the time on it.

It’s an idea they’ve thrown around for awhile. I’d love for a class ban.