Odyn needs sire nerf

That would be great too. Because they take so long in balancing the game. It would be nice if we could select a card ban.

It needs to be nerfed. People who say that warriors needed it typically float to whatever meta is the season to win. It doesn’t matter which class the IWIN cards falls under, as long as it increases their winrate.

There are so many other ways to nerf the deck without killing their only wincon. Specifically, Craftsman Hammer could probably only give 3 armor.

it’s really not the only win condition … you have the “quad-buffed” (through blackrock ‘n’ roll and lor’themar) minions and the ridiculous amount of armor already … there’s really not much reason for such a flexible “otk combo” on top of an already disgusting control deck win condition

The Blackrock n Roll deck is garbage. Having to draw, not 1, but 2 cards BEFORE you draw the majority of your deck is not a consistent win condition.

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but you don’t have to draw both for it to be relatively digusting … drawing both just makes it really disgusting

and that may not be the best version of the class, but to me that makes it even more apparent that odyn is a broken card, when get a whole bunch of cheap 10+/10+'s with added benefits is less powerful than hoarding armor spells

… I’m not seeing why Odyn is a problem.

Win conditions are supposed to win the game.

Disruption, pressure, taunts, secrets and other things can slow or stop warriors. Seems like any other deck right now. If you don’t know what they are going to do and how to work around it, you should just concede turn 1 and skip the match up as a bad match up.

Almost threw me for a second, until I saw the date. Do we still discuss he who shall not be named, or has it been long enough since he left?

3 if you play lorth in the deck.


If you listen to Boreas you deserve all the stuff is happening in hs :rofl: :rofl: . Cuz you can’t expect more from the team developing the game if that’s the quality of players defending the game

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but odyn is fine people in this thread keep forgetting they had to buff 4 warrior cards to make the deck viable

is like they forgot how bad the deck was before the buffs

the deck went from less than 45% win rate to 50% for some reason they are unable to tell the difference

is simple i think if buffing those cards improved the deck reverting some of them should have an impact too…

idk wtf ur talking about b/c i haven’t been checking stats in forever, but i just looked up odyn decks on hsreplay and it’s showing ~60% for odyn control warrior … so …

(vs report less than a week ago )
before or after the 4 cards were buffed? im not saying the deck is bad im saying it needed those buffs badly

Wait I’m not sure who is it? That should not be named. I want the tea lol :sweat_smile:

Now that I watch that video it seems a lot of things that they have talked about has come true. 3D models weren’t a thing at the time. Now we have a bunch.

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Look at the first quote in that post: the one doing the ama.

I’m certainly not going to name him. Don’t you watch the movies, read the books and comics and sees what happens when you name THE ONE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED?!

In forum horror movie, I’m not going in the first round. Not to the super obvious “read/pick up the forbidden book/object, name the one who shall not be named, or take bad advice (e.g. splitting up in the creepy place).”

: P

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I always thought the warrior was complete rubbish! Now that he has gained a strong card, leave him with this card! The problem is a priest who plays with the opponent’s cards!! This is absurd!

seriously though, having to dodge multiple turns of 20+ attack all while having to get through that much more health is absurd … i’m not saying there aren’t other things to complain about as well … discard warlock is also pretty gross as are others … and right now i’m not playing totally optimized decks and trying to climb the ladder, i’m playing decks meant to do achievements, so i’m not even trying to “win” per se, but it’s really annoying to come up against decks that for some achievements (ones where you are trying to control the game flow and set up certain achievement conditions like the 7 generation mi’da and stuff) you know it would be better to just try to requeue … and yes, i’m talking about wild not standard because i’ve been going back and trying to do all the old achievements that i didn’t do because i was focused on bgs and mercs for a while, and i know that wild isn’t going to be balanced (though they have changed things to fix really broken stuff for wild before) … and so if this is a complaint that is just against wild warrior so be it, idk the state of standard, but warrior win rate seemed to be over 60% for a lot of odyn variant decks … my gripe with warrior is basically that you have to do little to no work to create what is basically an otk deck that turns like your entire deck into an otk combo … it feels really stupid and wrong because on the face of it, it’s just a control deck where you are trying to outlast your opponent with an egregious amount of armor … if that’s all it was, a fatigue and waiting game that was difficult to overcome (i.e. teching in a platebreaker to w/e your playing), i’m fine with that as a deck archtype, but adding in an otk win condition to a deck that is otherwise focused on just not losing and then turns all of those “not losing” cards into “just go win” cards is rediculous … it’s like the dk’s “deal 3 dmg at the end of each turn perm” effect on steroids … and the only way to really counter it is to play something like objection or mutanus and get lucky … and yes, i still hate losing even when i “dont care” because i’m focusing on achievements, but it’s not so much about losing so much as how the deck i’m losing to feels … like does it feel like there was something i could have done in a skillful way to win … and right now odyn warrior and discard warlock are the do that feel really stupid and bad to go up against … i think i’ve won against maybe 2 discard warlocks having just the right amount of board control at the right time, so i know it’s possible to get lucky early and keep them from aggro’ing you down, like if you are playing a n’zoth/healing taunts kind of deck … but b/c the control warrior shell surrounds odyn, wtf are you supposed to do besides hope to get lucky with an objection type situation?? it’s like it teases you with the hope of being able to play and then nope they have odyn on 8 every time, oh and all of your taunts die because if its not armor its removal, and your dead again to another warrior at 60+ total hp … at least there was satisfaction in puzzling out a win against discard warlock … in the few games i’ve won against odyn warrior i still felt mad if only because it felt like i got lucky rather than there being any skill to it … it was more like the warrior just got super unlucky rather than anything else … that’s why as much as there may be other decks to complain about i think this deck/card needs to be considered for a nerf … if the card is making me mad to win against, i’m sure there are other people who feel the same way, and if the only people the card is making happy are the people playing it, that’s a problem, and it’s one that can be easily address by addressing the mechanic of the one card that makes the deck a problem

I have a better idea, just delete the warrior class and refund all cards.

i think that’s a pretty far stretch from what i’m asking for …

Deck control? Since when does a control deck do this much damage?

Especially once Odyn plays, the warrior goes straight in the face and doesn’t care about the opposing minions (is that how a real control deck plays? No, that’s how an aggro deck plays), yes he goes straight to the face since he knows that he is unkillable with his stupid amount of armor that he wins, Odyn is a stupid card that must untap.

idk why you are arguing with me for saying the shell of it is a control deck … if you take odyn out of the deck, the surrounding 29 (or 39) cards operate as a control deck … it’s defense defense defense armor removal stalling “life” gain … and then odyn … and then all of those stalling elements turn into otk (/2tk) … you can put other win conditions into the control shell other than waiting for fatigue / running your opponent out of resource … but as you mention (which, i actually mention myself … it’s kind of the impetus for the thread) odyn flips the deck into “aggro” … that said, it has to wait for odyn to become aggro … i don’t mind so much that part of the overall deck strategy … it falls in line with some similar past warrior decks like the taunt/quest ungoro deck where it’s defense until it flips the hero power and goes into attack mode … the problem is how drastic the change is for the work involved once it goes into aggro mode, the swing is too drastic with imo not enough interplay once the transition hits and for too little skill involved … like you don’t need to wait for a certain combination of cards to go otk, you just need to play stuff and go face … but i don’t think it can’t be balanced