Numerous issues with recent patches on iOS

I have had numerous issues with the game from the last few patches, this has caused my game to continually crash on my device resulting in numerous losses of rank on both standard and BG. I have also lost card packs during rollbacks.

Each time I have pleasantly raised tickets on the support forum and basically been told that the underlying bug is known and will be fixed but nothing has been done to try and remedy the impact this has had on me as a player.

I have spent hundreds of pounds on hearthstone and been a Blizzard player since Diablo I and I’m flabbergasted that no attempt has been made to re compensate me for my losses. As there seems no way for me to contact anyone directly to raise this issue I am writing it here in the hope I can garner some kind of official response.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Dec2019] Main Thread for iPad/iOS Crashes after Latest Patch