No Quests at all

Since the release of 19.0 i didn´t receive any new quest. No daily, no weekly.

I submitted a ticket and they said they report it to the devs and i should wait.
After a week i submitted a new ticket and they said they can´t help. :expressionless:


There’s a lot of us having this issue. Most of players affected are returning players, but not all of them. Unfortunately there’s no fix, but today, in one of the other topics, I read the most promising response from support yet:

So we can have hope, I guess :smiley:

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same issue !

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Same Here. Eu server

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I have the same problem today :frowning:

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I did not receive a daily quest or any new weekly quests. Had been working fine up until now. NA server.

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I did not get a daily quest today.

Same Here. Eu server