No Weekly or Daily Quests

Another day another missed daily quest. That is 4 dailies now that I have missed out on.

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ikr, great returning player experience, reminds you of why you quit.

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Response to my ticket, I see reading comprehension isn’t a requirement.
Completely missed the point of my ticket.
He thinks I’m mad because it removed the returning player quests instead of not getting any quests since their trash update, even worse he didn’t even notice/read that bit.

I’m GM Layhcrum,
Thank you for your patience while I was reaching you and your ticket, with the Shadowlands release on the 23rd/24th, Overwatch Halloween Event and Call of Duty season 6 active, this has made us exceptionally busy.

I can see you have some concerns about the change to the reward system and that it removed some quests you was progressing on, sorry to hear this happened to you.

Due to how hearthstone works I am afraid we dont have access to check or confirm quests you had or completion. I would recommend posting your experiences on the hearthstone forums as the developers are taking feedback about how the changes are being received.

I am sorry we cannot alter what has happened to you, but I do want to thank you for letting us know, both in a ticket and on the forums. Stay safe and well.

Kind regards,


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Same here. Did not get weekly quests.

Still no quests of any kind. Can we please get an answer?

Got a response from Blizzard Support, but ofc it isn’t promising.

"Hey there Datrevdo. I’m Game Master Tyaeralcal. I completely understand wanting to get your daily and weekly quests!

I checked into it, and some players not getting dailies or weeklies is a known issue. Our developers are currently working on finding a permanent fix for it in a patch or a hotfix.

We don’t have a way to fix it on an individual basis, but I promise you that we’ll get it working again as soon as possible.

The best way to report issues is a bug report though. Even if it’s a known issue, extra data is extremely valuable. There is a way to report those bugs directly to the QA team, without having to wait on a ticket and deal with the Game Master middleman. Bug reports can be submitted on the Bug Report Forum, which you can find at

Our QA department will then use the information that you include to try and reproduce the bug and pass that along to our developers to get it fixed.

As an aside, I really appreciate for your patience waiting for me; our queues are pretty backed up right now due to the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands prepatch and the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War launch."


same here on NA. I returned 3 days ago after not playing for a few years and haven’t received any quests, just a blank page. :confounded:

Another day another missed daily quest. That is 5 dailies now that I have missed out on.

Worst thing is that I paid for the tavern pass but cannot get any quests…

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Today I haven’t got my daily quest.
I expect this bug won’t persist tomorrow specially with the weekly quests.

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Today I didn’t get a daily quest nor any weekly quest. This pretty much just killed all my interest in the game, I can’t even fathom how far behind in xp I am a this point.

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just login to EU server (23:20pm GMT) no weekly or daily quests…

Today I didn’t get a daily quest nor any weekly quest. EU server.

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yep ,same here, no new daily or weekly quest

That’s happened to me too. I’ve got neither daily no weekly quests on 23/11/2020.
EU server; version:

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Same just today! Not a returning player btw… and paid the tavern pass also.

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And i think that we will keep having NO QUESTS for some days, judging from the answer a guy posted here… :confused: “We don’t have a way to fix it on an individual basis”… and they try to find a fix on a patch or a hotfix… my guess (since they do not appreciate our money) is that it will take a while for them to fix it…

I didn´t receive my daily and week quest either.

no new daily and weekly quest “TWICE” .
WTF BZ ? BEN LEE what the hell are you doing ?

Haven’t received any quests since the update

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