No minion Quest Mage is much stronger than expected

It’s all that smoke from burned, crispy, dead opponents!

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Jokes aside Mage hasnt top the meta in over 2 years(from vs syndicate i know those pesky people with data that goes against what some here claim …damn math) let alone have a tier 0 deck.

Yet every single exp we have people saying Mage is too strong…

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yes, when forged in the barrens was released and the only 2 decks that were being played were spell mage and secret paladin, by all means mage was “severely underpowered”.


Did you read what i just said ???
I guess not because i said “mage hasnt top the meta in over 2 years” pre nerf Spell Mage had a win rate 5% lower than Paladin that class on top of the meta…

I dont deal with peoples feelings and guesses i rather have hard data , that stands for what i said above …

Yet every single exp we have people saying Mage is too strong…

you said this, implying that it wasn’t or that these people are absurd for saying this. dont try to deny it.

i gave you an exact counterexample of how this was literally the case, as evident by no minion mages winrate and subsequent nerfs.

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I said it and i stand by it and yes its absurd like you put it,raw data backs my claims 2 years Mage never n1 and yet its along with Priest the classes with more nerfs.

Why? Because the devs said themselves Mage and Priest have different standards for nerfs and dont need to top the meta for nerfs.

So yes absurd.

at this point i dont know why i come on these forums. it’s just angry people trying to argue semantics and overexaggerating.

mage sucks. yes, we get that. but nowhere near your estimating with your rants.

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Mage’s play rate has nothing to do with power, and you either know that, or you know nothing about the class.
Mage gets nerfed for popularity irrespective of power level, and that has been confirmed by the devs repeatedly.

Perhaps I am playing it badly, but I don’t see what’s so great about the deck.
It has almost no frost spells, and by the time you complete the quest you are dependent almost solely on ignite for burn.
Idk, maybe I should watch you play it and see if it is better than I think.

kinda my experience so far aswell, i have much more success with firemage than with the quest, albeit i manage to consistently find my card draw right at the bottom of my deck for some reason so maybe with more games i would hit a more normal stride and maybe it works better?

Give this list a go.


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I cannot get firemage to work. It seems pretty weak compared to other classes.

Actually garrot rogue will be nerfed as well and maybe warlock as well.

The mage deck is tier 0 or some other deck.

Hard data says that mage and priest decks make people stop playing the game and that’s really more important than how mage and priest players feel about their favorite class.

It’s not about the power, it’s about the popularity and how negative the opponent experience is.

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My whole point this time .

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The reason I like No Minion Quest Mage is that it’s kinda of like a puzzle. And after you complete the puzzle, you get to fling spells at the opponent’s face as a reward!

I’d love to see this data, because in my experience players play what they have cards for, and they don’t stop playing any more often because of Mage or Priest over any other classes being powerful.
I think Team 5 really needs to stop trying to dictate play patterns.
imo it’s a stupid way of controlling the meta.

Thats the reason i played old Freeze Mage for many years but this days we cant have that ,planning ahead to find lethal on future turns is a big no no.
Only play cards on curve and face dmg to end the game as soon as possible thats fair , going for longer games(that can lead to missplays on your part ) hurts peoples feelings and makes then want to quit dont do that.

In 2-3 months will see a nerf enjoy it now